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Show 492 MR. J. H. LEECH ON THE [NOV. 19, 82. PERIGEA ARGYROSTICTA. Perigea 1 argyrosticta, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1881, p. 177. Tokio (Fenton). 83. PERIGEA GALAXIA. Perigea galaxia, Butl. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1883, p. 159. One example, coll. Pryer. Japan (Pryer) ; Dharmsala ? 84. PERIGEA GEMELLA, sp. n. (Plate LIII. fig. 12.) Primaries dark rusty brown with stramineous markings; first transverse line, represented by a costal spot and some scattered dots across the wing, immediately precedes the well-defined orbicular stigma; the conspicuous reniform spot is preceded by two irregular-shaped dashes on costa, and followed by a transverse series of closely contiguous oblong spots, interrupted by a thin transverse line of the ground-colour ; beyond is another irregular-shaped blotch on the costa, and a short dash before apex ; fringes dark : secondaries grey-brown, with a darker central transverse line edged externally with paler; fringes sprinkled with fuscous. Under surface of primaries fuscous radiated with paler ; all the wings have a dark central transverse line edged externally with paler; secondaries whitish grey, clouded along costa and on outer margin with fuscous. Expanse 26 millim. Five specimens, including both sexes, taken by my native collector at Gensan in August and September. I have also received three examples from Mr. Manley of Yokohama. In two Gensan specimens the upper spots of the central series are confluent and connected with reniform stigma. 85. PERIGEA CENTRALIS. Perigea centralis, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xi. p. 734 (1857). Celcena serva, Walk, /. c. xv. p. 1689 (1858). Perigea serva, Butl. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1883, p. 159. $ . Perigea illecta, Walk. I. c. xxxii. p. 684 (1865). The female specimen of this species, to which Walker gave the name of illecta, was from Japan, and Butler considers that this insect is referable to P. dolorosa, Walk. Japan ; N. India ; Ceylon ,• Andaman Islands. 86. ILATTIA CEPHUSALIS. Llattia cephusalis, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xvi. p. 209 (1858). Amyna cephusalis, Butl. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1881, p. 617. Miana inornata, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. Suppl. ii. p. 677 (1865). Perigea leucospila, Walk. I. c. p. 683. I took specimens at Gensan in July 1886, and my'native collector obtained a long and variable series there in August 1887. Gensan (Leech) ; India, China. |