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Show 550 MR. J. H. LEECH ON THE [Nov. 19, 352. CATOCALA ELECTA. Noctua electa, Borkh. Eur. Schmett. iv. p. 26 (1792); Hiibn. Noct. fig. 331. Catocala electa, Treit. Schmett. v. p. 355 ; Guen. Noct. iii p. 87. Catocala zalmunna, Butl. Cist. Ent. iii. p. 241 (1877); 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. pi. xlvii. fig. 3 (1879). Several specimens, coll. Pryer. I took examples at Gensan in July, Hakodate in August, and Sendai in September. In size Japanese specimens range from 75 millim. to 86 millim. in expanse, giving an average of 80 millim., whilst European specimens in my collection vary from 70 millim. to 82 millim., average 77 millim. The colour of primaries varies from silvery grey through ochreous grey to dark grey (Gensan examples), and there is some modification in the width of the band of secondaries ; but altogether there is really nothing to separate C. zalmunna, Butl., from the European C. electa. Yokohama (Jonas) ; Oiwake, Yesso (Pryer) ; Hakodate, Gensan (Leech) ; Nikko, Tokio, Saporo. 353. CATOCALA VOLCANICA. Catocala volcanica, Butl. Cist. Ent. ii. p. 244 (1877) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. pi. xxxiii. fig. 10 (1878). A fine series, coll. Pryer. I took specimens at Fushiki in July, and Hakodate in September. Oiwake, Yokohama (Pryer) ; Fushiki, Hakodate (Leech) ; Kiukiang. 354. CATOCALA MIRIFICA. Catocala mirifica, Butl. Cist. Ent. ii. p. 243 (1877) ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. pi. xxxiii. fig. 7. A fine series, coll. Pryer, and I received four examples from Mr. Manley. Yokohama (Jonas, Pryer, and Manley). 355. CATOCALA BELLA. Catocala bella, Butl. Cist. Ent. ii. p. 242 (1877); 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. pi. xlvi. fig. 10 (1879). Catocala serenides, Staud. Stett. ent. Zeit. 1888. A fine series, coll. Pryer. Yokohama (Jonas) ; Chiuzenji. 356. CATOCALA JONASII. Catocala jonasii, Butl. Cist. Ent. ii. p. 242 (1877); 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. pi. xxxiii. fig. 6. A nice series, coll. Pryer. I took examples at Fushiki and Tsuruga in July, and Nikko in September. Yokohama (Jonas and Pryer) ; Fushiki, Tsuruga, Nikko (Leech). |