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Show iv Page On certain Points in the Anatomy of the Accipitres, with reference to the Affinities of Polyboroides 77 Some Notes upon the Anatomy of the American Tapir (Tapirus terrestris) „ 252 On the Oligochsetous Fauna of N e w Zealand, with preliminary Descriptions of new Species 377 Contributions to the Natural History of an Annelid of the Genus Dero 440 Contributions to the Anatomy of Picarian Birds.-Part I. On some Points in the Structure of the Hornbills 587 On the Anatomy of Burmeister's Cariama (Chunga burmeisteri) 594 BEDDARD, FRANK E., M.A., Prosector to the Society, Lecturer in Biology at Guy's Hospital, and T R E V E S , F R E D E R I C K, F.R.C.S., Surgeon to and Lecturer in Anatomy at the London Hospital. On the Anatomy of Bhinoceros sumatrensis 7 BEDDOME, Col. R. H. Descriptions of Land-Shells from the Island of Koror, Pelew Group. (Plates XI. & XII.) 112 BELL, F. JEFFREY, M.A., Sec.R.M.S., F.Z.S., Professor of Comparative Anatomy in King's College, London. Remarks upon Bipalium lcewense 5 Additions to the Echinoderm Fauna of the Bay of Bengal 6 Descriptions of some new or rare Species of Plexaurids. (Plate III.) , 4? Exhibition of, and remarks upon, specimens of Yirgularia mirabilis, Palinurus vulgaris, and Galathea strigosa 394 |