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Show 1889.] MR. O. THOMAS ON A N E W BORNEAN MONKEY. 159 5. Description of a new Bornean Monkey belonging to the Genus Semnopithecus. By O L D F I E L D T H O M A S , Natural History Museum. [Received March 16, 1889.] (Plate XVI.) In a small collection of Mammals recently obtained by Mr. Charles Hose in Baram, on the north-west coast of Borneo, and acquired for the Natural History Museum, there occur several rare and noteworthy Mammals. Among these may be mentioned the Trichys recently referred to by Dr. Gunther **, specimens of Rhinolophus luctus, Temm., of Sciuropterus davisoni, Thos., only previously known from the Malay Peninsula, of Semnopithecus chrysomelas, Miill. and Schl., and, finally, the subject of the present description. The specimen is an adult male, and as it occurred along with the other Semnopithecus, one was at first tempted to suppose that it was only a very aged individual of the same species, in which certain parts had become white ; but an examination of the skull proves that it is really quite distinct. I propose to call it SEMNOPITHECUS HOSEI, sp. n. (Plate XVI.) Size and form about as in S.femoralis, S. chrysomelas, and iS1. obscurus. Crown with a longitudinal crest starting about half an inch behind the centre of the forehead ; the longer hairs slope evenly backwards, there being no trace of a reversed occipital tuft as there is in some species. General colour of body hoary grey, a colour made up by the intermixture of black and white hairs. Crest, centre of crown, and nape deep glossy black, as also are the long eyebrows, and the few short hairs scattered about the dark surface of the orbits. All the rest of the head, the forehead, temples, sides of the crown and neck, cheeks, lips, nasal septum, chin (where there is a distinct tuft), and front of neck pure white, contrasting most markedly with the glossy black of the central crest, and with the dark grey of the back and shoulders. Outer sides of limbs like back, darkening terminally in the hands and feet to deep black. Chest, underside of body, and inner sides of limbs as far down as the middle of the forearm and of the lower leg white, continuous with that of the chin and throat. Tail hoary grey like the back throughout, only rather darker above than below, owing to the larger proportion of black as compared with white hairs there present. Skull light and delicate. Nasal bones long, thin ; profile quite straight and continuous with the line of the forehead, an arrangement very different from the peculiar aquiline nasal outline of S. chrysomelas. Nasal opening oval, its breadth about two thirds its height, instead of three fourths as in the allied species. Bullae low, opaque. Teeth as usual. 1 Supra, p. 75. |