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Show 602 MR. G. W. BUTLER ON THE [Dec. 3, corresponding to the right aortic arch is present; but its presence is found iu so many Accipitres that it is highly characteristic of them. I quote from M S . of Garrod the following measurements of the various parts of the alimentary tract to show how close is tbe resemblance between the two :- Small intestine . Large intestine . Cariama. in. . .. 33 3 ... 8*75 Chunga. in. 33 3*5 f 10*5 8*5 The expansor secundariorum is as in Chauna and Cariama. There is no biceps slip to patagial tendon as in Cariama. The anconeus has an accessory flat tendon attaching it to humerus. The pectoral muscle arises from the whole of the sternum, which is free from the origin of the second pectoral ; it also arises from the aponeurosis of the second pectoral. It is partially divided by a septum into two muscles. The tensores patagii brevis and longus appear to form one muscle at their origin ; this muscle receives a tendon from deltoid ridge of humerus. The tendon of brevis is very large and flattened out, but as it is accurately figured by Fiirbringer1 I do not describe it more fully. A drawing of Prof. Garrod's shows that in Cariama the tensor brevis tendon is similar, and he particularly states that there is no biceps slip ; neither Fiirbringer nor myself have found a biceps slip in Chunga. The accessory femoro-caudal is present in Cariama, and it is stated by Garrod in a M S . note to be missing in Chunga; however, I found this muscle in the specimen dissected by me ; it was thin and slender, and became tendinous in the middle between its origin and insertion. The biceps brachii in Chunga is bifid at its insertion. 3. O n the Relations of the Fat-bodies of the Sauropsida. By GERARD W . BUTLER, B.A. (Communicated by Prof. G. B. H O W E S , F.L.S., E.Z.S.) [Eeceived November 26, 1889.] (Plates LIX. & LX.) CONTENTS. p I. Introductory 603 II. O n the Eelations of the Fat-bodies of the Sauropsida, and on certain points in the Anatomy of Monitors 603 III. Subperitoneal Fat of Mammals 608 IV. Some Eemarks on tbe Function of the Subperitoneal Fat-bodies of the Sauropsida 609 1 Untersuchungen z. Morph. u. Syst. Vogel, Taf. xx. fig. 9. |