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Show 1889.] LEPIDOPTERA OF JAPAN AND COREA. 475 Rather larger and darker in colour than most of my specimens from Europe. Yokohama (Jonas and Pryer) ; Oiwake (Fryer) ; Gensan (Leech) ; North China ; Europe. 2. ACRONYCTA TRIDENS. Noctua tridens, Schiff. Wien. Verz. p. 67; Esp. Schmett. iv. pi. 115. figs. 5-8. Acronycta tridens, Treit. Schmett. v. 1. 26 ; Guen. Noct. i. p. 43. Acronycta increta, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 78 (1878); 111. Typ. Lep. Het. iii. pi. xliv. fig. 3 (1879). Several specimens coll. Pryer, labelled A. increta. I took examples at Gensan. In his Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Japan Pryer says of the larva of this insect, " very like A. tridens, which also probably occurs here." The largest example in m y series from Japan measures 50 millim. in expanse. Yokohama (Pryer and Manley) ; Gensan (Leech) ; Europe. 3. ACRONYCTA PSI. Phal.-Noctua psi, Linn. x. p. 514. Noctua psi, Esp. Schmett. iv. pi. 115. figs. 1-4. Acronycta psi, Treit. Schmett. v. 1. 30; Guen. Noct. i. p. 43. Four examples taken by myself at Gensan in June, and Fushiki in July. There were no specimens in Mr. Pryer's collection. Gensan, Fushiki (Leech) ; Europe. 4. ACRONYCTA DIGNA. Thalpophila digna, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1881, p. 176. Acronycta michael, Oberth. Etud. d'Ent. x. p. 18, pi. ii. fig. 13 (1884). Several specimens, coll. Pryer. I have received this 3pecies from my native collector, who took three examples at Gensan in July. Except that the secondaries of some examples are tinged with yellow, this species has no character in common with Thalpophila cytherea, the insect with which Mr. Butler compares his digna ; further it does not agree with the characters of the genus Thalpophila, Hiibn., as diagnosed by Walker (Cat. Lep. Het. ix. p. 214), especially as regards the antennae, which in digna are simple in both sexes. Ranges from 40 millim. to 52 millim. in expanse. Yokohama, Oiwake (Pryer) ; Corea, Sidemi (Jankowski). 5. ACRONYCTA HERCULEA. Acronycta herculea, Feld. Reis. Nov. cix. fig. 2. Acronycta luteicoma, Grote, var. elongata, Oberth. Etud d'Ent. x. p. 20, pi. ii. fig. 3(1884,) Four examples, coll. Pryer. Yokohama, Oiwake (Pryer); Sidemi (Jankowski). 32* |