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Show 1889.] MR. W. K. PARKER ON STEATORNIS CARIPENSIS. 189 rough and unfinished form the same morphology of these parts as is fouud iu our own Skull. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. List of Abbreviations. The R o m a n numerals stand for nerves or nerve-foramina. ac. Acetabulum. ag. Angulare. al.e. Aliethmoid. al.n. Alinasal. al.s. Alisphenoid. al.sp. Aliseptal. ar. Articulare. at. Atlas. a.t.r. Anterior tympanic recess. ax. Axis. b.hy. Basihyal. b.h.br. Basi-hyobranchial. b.o. Basioccipital. b.pg. Basipterygoid. br. i. 1st branchials (cornua m a - jora). b.s. Basisphenoid. b.t. Basitemporal. c. Centrale and centrum. cd.v. Caudal vertebra. c.f.c. Cranio-facial cleft or hinge. c.hy. Cerato-hyal. cl. Clavicle. cr. Coracoid. c.v. Cervical vertebra. c.v.a. Canal for vertebral artery. d. Dentary. d.c. Distal carpal. dg. Digit. d.v. Dorsal vertebra. e.eth. Ectoethmoid. e.n. External nostril. e.o. Exoccipital. Eu. Eustachian opening. /. Femur. fb. Fibula. fbe. Fibulare. f.m. Foramen magnum. fr. Furcula. h. Humerus. i.c. Internal carotid artery. i.cl. Interclavicle. il. Ilium. i.m. Intermedium. i.o.f. Interorbital fenestra. i.r. Intermedio-radiale. isc. Ischium. j. Jugal. 1. Lacrymal. Ic. Lacrymal canal. mc.c. Metacarpus. m.st. Metasternum. mt.t. Metatarsus. mx.p. 11. n.px. n.s. nv. ob.f. oc.c. od.p. o.h.c. O.S. o.u. p-pa. pa.s. pb. p.e. P9- p.p. pr.i. pt.i. pr.z. p.s. pt.z. p.u. o. QJ-rd. r. r.b.s. s.ag. sc. s.i.f. so. sp. sq. s.r. st. st.r. s.v. t. t.c. t.eo. t.f. t.mt. ty. ty.c. u. ul. v. vb. , Maxillo-palatine. , Nasal. . Nasal process of premaxillary. Neural spine. Naviculare. Obturator foramen or fenestra. Occipital condyle. Odontoid process. Os humero-capsulare. Obturator space. Os uncinatum. Parietal. Palatine. Parasphenoid. . Pubis. Perpendicular ethmoid. Pterygoid. Pars plana. Pre-ilium. Post-ilium. Pre-zygapophysis. Presphenoid. Post-zygapophysis. Processus uncinatus. Quadratum. Quadrato-jugal. Radiale. Radius. Rostrum of basisphenoid. S upra- an gulare. Scapula. Sacro-isehiadic fenestra. Supra-occipital. Splenial. Squamosal. Sacral rib. Sternum. Sternal rib. Sacral vertebras. Tibia. Teudon-canal. Tympanic wing of exoccipital. Temporal fossa. Tarso-metatarsus. Tympanic. Tympanic cavity. Ulna. Ulnare. Vomer. Vestibule, |