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Show 1889.] COLEOPTERA OF THE FAMILY TELEPHORID/E. 105 Many examples of this, which is one of the most beautiful of Telephoridse, were captured by Mr. A. E. Pratt at Kiukiang. 23. TELEPHORUS VIOLACEIPENNIS, sp. nov. Badius ; femorum apicibus, tibiis tarsisque nigris; elytris violaceis, nitidis ; antennis fuscis, articulis duobus basi rufis. Long. 20 millim. $ . Hab. Kiukiang. Larger than T. coelestis, and differing from it by the hind tibise being entirely black and by the fuscous antennas. The elytra are of a deep violet; and the whole insect is wider and more robustly built than T. ccelestis, though, as there is only one female example among the many Telephoridse collected by Mr. Pratt, it is not possible to give comparative characters. The elytra are rugulose, and almost punctured externally near the shoulders, internally and towards the apex they are obsoletely rugose, but shining. 24. TELEPHORUS (ANCISTRONYCHA) PRATTIANUS, sp. nov. (Plate X . fig. 3.) Niger; capite, prothorace, scutello, femorum (maris posterioribus exceptis) et antennarum articulo primo rufis, hoc nigro-maculato. Long. 12-13 millim. <3 $• Mas. Abdomine nigro, femoribus posticis concoloribus. Fern. Abdomine nigro, femoribus omnibus basi rufis. Hab. China, Kiukiang (Pratt). Head and thorax orange-red, shining ; the former excavate between the eyes, the tips of the mandibles pitchy ; eyes small but prominent; antennas long, their basal joint yellow, spotted with fuscous above, the following joints fuscous, the third shorter than the fourth and succeeding jcints, the apices of the fourth to the eighth joints slightly produced at the tips internally. The thorax squarish with rounded front angles, channelled in the middle, and strongly tumid on each side. Scutellum and bases of the four anterior femora with their trochanters and coxas yellow, as is also the mesosternum. The elytra are dull black, granularly rugose and with one or two distinct nervures. The female has the body beneath yellow, the anterior claws being also hamate, with a tuft of setse from the hook at their base. 25. TELEPHORUS (ANCISTRONYCHA) ORIENTALIS, sp. nov. Luride ochraceus ; antennis (articulis duobus primis exceptis) in-fuscatis; prothorace oblongo-subquadrato, disco ineequali, nitido, postice longitudinaliter impresso ; elytris opacis, subrugosis. Long. 14-16 millim. $. Hab. Fuchau (G. Lewis; S. Leech) ; Kiukiang (Pratt). This is a narrow species, with the legs rather long; it is entirely ochraceous yellow, with the exception of the antennas (of which the third to the apical joints are fuscous, but have nevertheless their bases yellow), and the fourth bilobed joint of the tarsi, which is also fuscous. The head is smooth and shining, under a |