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Show 1889.] COLEOPTERA OF THE FAMILY TELEPHORID.E. 101 Communicated to me by Mr. A. E. Hudd, with no other locality. 12. TELEPHORUS INSULARIS, sp. nov. (Plate X. fig. 6.) Flavus; capite, antennis (articulo basali excepto) tarsisque nigro-fuscis; elytris subviridibus granuloso-coriaceis, fere opacis; thorace subquadrato, disco leevi haud canalicular. Long. 9-11 millim. Hab. Andaman Islands (coll. Gorham ; Mus. Calcutta). Head fuscous, nearly black above; gular portion, mouth, and palpi yellow ; antennas about half the length of the body, their first joint and part of the second yellow. Thorax rather broader than long, smooth, the entire margin rather reflexed, together with the scutellum and whole body and legs, excepting the tarsi, yellow ; elytra rather parallel, not much narrowed, of a beautiful bluish green, somewhat opaque and roughened in a granular manner, also clothed with a very short and fine fulvous down. The abdomen is doubly excised at the apex on each side of the middle, but the sex is uncertain ; the claws are simple. 13. TELEPHORUS NICOBARINUS, sp. nov. Flavus; capite supra nigro-fusco, antennis corporis fere longitudine subinfuscatis; ore, palpis et parte gulari testaceis, elytris obscure ceerulis, geniculis tarsisque brunneis. Long. 9 millim. Hab. Nicobar Islands (Mus. Calcutta). Closely allied to T. insularis, and distinguished from it chiefly on account of its smaller size and some differences in the coloration, while at the same time the antennse appear to be longer. The whole insect is rather more delicately built, and the sculpture of the elytra is finer. There is a series of specimens in the Calcutta Museum, and it seems at least to be an insular form of T. insularis peculiar to the Nicobars. 14. TELEPHORUS BIETI, sp. nov. (Plate X. fig. 5.) Nigro-cceruleus, nitidus; prothorace transversim subquadrato, flavo, disco late nigro-ceeruleo, elytris subrugosis cupreo-violaceis, antennis pedibusque nigris. Long. 15-17 millim. <S $ . Hab. Thibet, Tatsienlou (F. Biet). Head wide, distinctly but finely punctured, the crown with a longitudinal widely impressed channel, with an oblique fossa on each side behind the antennse, the mandibles are testaceous excepting at their tips. Thorax wider than long, the lateral margins rather widely, the base rather finely, reflexed; the disk shining and glabrous, channelled in the middle, the channel deep behind, obsolete in front, the angles rectangular but not distinct. Elytra much wider than the thorax, thickly and finely coriaceous, dull except at their base, of a beautiful purple or coppery-violet colour. Body beneath blue-black or bronze, the legs black but partaking of the colour of the P R O C . Z O O L . Soc-1889, No. VIII. 8 |