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Show 1889.] COLEOPTERA OF THE FAMILY TELEPHORIDSE. 107 trochanters, and body yellow, some of the ventral segments faintly clouded in the middle. Six specimens captured by Mr. Lewis are in my own collection. 28. TELEPHORUS KIUKIANGANUS, sp. nov. Plumbeo-niger; prothorace pedibusque rufis, his tibiarum basibus tarsisque nigro-piceis, Mo disco, antennis articulis duobus abdominisque apice rufescentibus. Long. 12 millim. eS . Mas 1 Abdominis segmento septimo ventrali late diviso, utrinque profunde fossulato. Hab. China, Kiukiang (A. E. Pratt). Var. thorace toto rufo. The head in this insect is much narrowed behind as in T. sinensis, long but shorter than in that species, and with the basal and sometimes the second joints rufous. The thorax is orbicular, but longer than wide in some specimens, while equally wide and long in the variety and in other specimens. The scutellum is fuscous (but yellow in the variety) ; the elytra are smoky black with a blue tint, opaque but very finely sculptured, and pubescent. The greater part of the head is narrowly yellow ; the breast and abdomen are ashy black, but all the segments are margined, and the curiously formed subapical segment is reddish yellow. 29. TELEPHORUS PURPUREIPENNIS, sp. nov. (Plate X. fig. 4.) Niger, subnitidus; pronoto suborbiculari, limbo toto angustius reflexo, picescente ; elytris purpureis, pube brevi concolore vestitis ; antennis corpore paulo brevioribus, simplicibus. Long. 14 millim. Hab. China, Kiukiang (A. E. Pratt). The head is rather small, even with the eyes (which are prominent), not being so wide as the thorax; the mandibles pitchy ; the cheeks in front of the antennse with a pale spot. The thorax black, with the margins neatly raised and paler, the reflexed edge being even testaceous beneath. The form is orbicular but generally longer than wide, and with the base rather straight, its disk smooth and shining and tumid on each side of the middle, leaving a roughly formed channel; only the very finest pubescence can be observed under the strongest lens, and that only towards the sides. Elytra rich dark purple-red, obsoletely costate. The thorax in this species is formed as in T. kiukianganus, and will prevent its being confounded with species of Lycocerus, which in colour and the clothing and the costationof the elytra it approaches. Three specimens. The last ventral segment has a broad and triangular impression, but the sex is uncertain. 30. TELEPHORUS METALLESCENS, sp. nov. Flavus ; capite supra (fronte excepto) prothoracisque macula parva discoidali nigris, elytris plumbeis vel subviridibus; antennis |