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Show 350 LIEUT.-COL. H. H. G O D W I N - A U S T E N O N [June 18, ruddy amber ; spire high, sides slightly convex; apex jointed; suture moderately impressed; whorls 7, sides flat on apical, convex below, the last rising on the penultimate, antepenultimate the largest; aperture broadly oval, suboblique; peristome double, the outer thin and expanded ; columellar tooth small. Size : maj. diam. 3*3 ; alt. axis 6*4 millim. Hab. Niah Hills (A. Everett). Five specimens occurred in the collection. This is a finely developed species and one of the largest from Borneo. OPISTHOSTOMA, Blyth. 50. O P I S T H O S T O M A GRANDI-SPINOSUM, n. sp. (Plate XXXVIII. figs. 2, 2 a.) Shell dextral, depressedly pyramidal, thin, glassy, transparent; sculpture smooth, with lines of growth; the periphery, the upper whorls, and the extended free portion of the last whorl are set with curved, white, glassy spines, the largest nearest to the aperture; each spine rises from a fine transverse rib, above and below the whorl, these nearly meeting, a gutter-like fold is produced which rises at right angles with the whorl; colour pale amber or sienna-brown, with a golden lustre; spire moderately high, conic, sides convex ; apex rather sharp; suture impressed ; whorls 5 to the constriction, whence it leaves the adjacent whorl, and turns sharply at right angles upwards in a diagonal direction to the apex of the shell, lying closely to the spire, reaching the apex it takes another sharp turn to the aperture, which thus rises high above and clear of the apex; aperture widely circular, trumpet-shaped; peristome continuous, thin, simple. Size: maj. diam. 2*4; alt. axis 1*9; length of longest spine 1 millim. Hab. Niah Hills (A. Everett). This is certainly the most beautiful form of a very beautiful and minute genus of land-shells, the finest thing that has been discovered for a long time. It is almost impossible to describe the delicate structure of the spines that cover it, rising from the golden-coloured whorls. 51. OPISTHOSTOMA DECRESPIGNYI, H. Adams. Plectostoma decrespignyi, II. Adams, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3, xv. p. 177 (I860); Issel, Moll. Born. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, vi. p. 439, pi. vi. figs. 13, 15(1874). RAPHAULUS, Pfeiff. 52. R A P H A U L U S BOMBYCINUS, Pfr. Anaulus bombycinus, Pfr. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 105, pi. xxxii. fio-. 10, male; id. Novit. Conch, i. pi. xvii. figs. 12, 13; II. & A. Adams, Gen. Moll. ii. p. 286, pi. Ixxxiii. fig. 3 (1858). Hab. Limestone caves (A. Everett). |