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Show 1889.] THE BODY-CAVITY IN LIZARDS, ETC. 471 They can, however, be compared with the latter by reason of the fact that the Birds can themselves be compared with the Lizards. The Lizards would seem, so to speak, to form the nearest approach to a " greatest common measure " for the Birds and Crocodiles at present available, in the absence of much wanted embryological data with regard to the latter. 5. The family of the Teiidee is noteworthy from the development, at any rate among some of its members, of a more or less complete post-hepatic septum, and for the absence of the usual attachment between the lung and liver-lobe of the right side. VII. LIST OF PRINCIPAL MEMOIRS AND PAPERS REFERRED TO. 1. SAPPEY.-Recherches sur l'appareil respiratoire des Oiseaux. 1847. 2. CADIAT.-Du developpement de la portion cephalothoracique de 1'embryon. Journal de l'Anatomie et de la Physiologic, vol. xiv. 1878, pp. 630-674. 3. HIS.-Mittheilungen zur Embryologie der Saugethiere u. der Meuschen." Archiv fiir Anat. u. Phys. 1881, Anat. Abth. 4. H U X L E Y . - O n the Respiratory Organs of Apteryx [comparing with Duck]. P. Z. S. 1882, pp. 560-569. 5. USKOW.-Ueber die Entwickelung des Zwerchfells des Pericard. u. d. Coeloms. Archiv fiir mikr. Anat. 1883, pp. 143-219. 6. L O C K W O O D . - T h e early development of the Diaphragm, Pericardium, and Great Veins. Phil. Trans. 1888, pp. 365- 384. 7. LOCKWOOD.-Abstract, of Lectures on the development of the Organs of Circulation and Respiration, including the Pericardium, Diaphragm, and Great Veins. Brit. Med. Journal, April 7, 1888. 8. DUVAL.-Atlas d'Embryologie. Paris, 1888. 9. RAVN.-Ueber die Bildung der Scheidewand zwischen Brust und Bauchhohle in Saugethierembrvonen. Archiv fiir Anat. u. Phys. 1889, Anat. Abth. pp. 123-154. 10. S T R A H L und CARIUS-Entwickelungsgeschichte des Herzens u. der Korperhbhlen. Archiv fiir. Anat. u. Phys. 1889, Anat. Abth. pp. 231-248. POSTSCRIPT. While these pages were passing through the press m y attention was, by Prof. Howes, directed to a paper by Ravn (Archiv fiir Anat-omie und Physiologie, Anat. Abth. 1889, p. 412), published after the sending in of m y own. This is one of a series of papers by that author on the development of the diaphragm and adjoining organs. In it the various membranes and septa that are visible in the body-cavity of the adult male Lacerta viridis are carefully described with the aid of figures. He calls attention to certain membranous tissue posterior to the heart which he would regard as representing part of the more |