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Show 488 MR. J. H. LEECH ON THE [Nov. 19, I have no example of H. funerea from Europe; but Dr. Staudinger has identified as that species my Japanese specimens, which are identical with X. socialis, Butl. There are two forms of this species, one of which resembles typical X. rurea from Europe, but is without any pale markings on inner margin ; the other is the funerea of Hein., and is analogous to the var. alopecurus, Esp. (=combusta, Dup.), of X. rurea. Oiwake (Pryer) ; Yokohama (Jonas and Pryer) ; Tokio, Kiukiang. 61. XYLOPHASIA COMMIXTA. Xylophasia commixta, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1886, p. 174. Several specimens, coll. Pryer. One of the two specimens under the name of X. flavostigma in the National Collection is from Yokohama and appears referable to the X. commixta of Butler. Tokio (Fenton) ; Yokohama (Jonas). 62. XYLOPHASIA SCITULA. Xylophasia scitula, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) iv. p. 359 (1879). Two examples, coll. Pryer. Yokohama (Pryer). 63. XYLOPHASIA TYCHOONA, sp. n. (Plate LI. fig. 3.) 3 . Primaries purplish brown, mottled with pale ochreous brown on the base and along costa ; the black indented inner and elbowed wavy outer line approximate above inner margin, and are united by a black longitudinal bar ; submarginal line pale, angulated below costa and again at middle; reniform and orbicular stigmata pale brown, faintly outlined in darker, the former followed by a large pale ochreous-brown patch; there are three pale ochreous-brown dots on costa between outer and submarginal lines : secondaries pale brown suffused with darker; fringes grey-brown, tipped with whitish and preceded by a dark brown line. Under surface fuscous brown, central area and outer margin paler, central line dark but not well defined: secondaries pale brown, central spot and line darker, a broad antemarginal fuscous band interrupted near anal angle. Expanse 31 millim. One, coll. Pryer, without locality. 64. DlPTERYGIA PINASTRI. Phal.-Noctua scabriuscula, Linn. Syst. Nat. x. p. 516 (1758); Clerck, Icon. pi. 1. fig. 8. Phal.-Noctua pinastri, Linn. Faun. Suec. p. 315. Noctua pinastri, Hiibn. Noct. fig. 246. Xylina pinastri, Treit. Schmett. v. 3. 58. Dipterygia pinastri, Steph. 111. Brit. Ent., Haust. ii. p. 168; Guen. Noct. i. p. 146. Hadena caliyinosa, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xv. p. 1729. A few specimens, coll. Pryer. |