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Show 1889.] LEPIDOPTERA OF JAPAN AND COREA. 537 Nikko (Pryer) ; Yokohama (Jonas, Pryer); Hakone (Smith) ; Gensan (Nat. Coll.). 292. CALLOPISTRIA REPLETA. Callopistria repleta, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xii. p. 865 (1857). Two specimens, coll. Pryer. I took one example at Gensan in June. Yokohama? (Pryer) ; Gensan (Leech) ; N. India. 293. CALLOPISTRIA RIVULARIS. Callopistria rivularis, Walk. Cat. Lep. Het. xii. p. 867 (1857). Three specimens, coll. Pryer. Yokohama ? (Pryer) ; N. India. 294. XYLINA INGRICA. Xylina ingrica, Herr.-Schaff. Eur. Schmett. ii. p. 305, pi. 99, fig. 507 (1850); Guen. Noct. ii. p. 118 (1852). Var. Agrotis ustulata, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 162 ; 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. pi. xxix. fig. 10 (1878). A fine series, coll. Pryer. A. ustulata, Butl., is certainly a form of X. ingrica, H.-S., and both are probably referable to X. furcifer a, Hufn. Yokohama (Pryer) ; Europe. 295. XYLINA ORNITHOPUS. Noctua ornitopus, Rott. Naturf. ix. p. 124 (1776). Noctua rhizolitha, Fabr. Mant. p. 182 (1787); Esp. Schmett. iv. pi. 121. fig. 6 ; Hiibn. Noct. fig. 242. Xylina rhizolitha, Treit. Schmett. v. 3. 21 ; Guen. Noct. ii. p. 119. Xylina pruinosa, Butl. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) i. p. 197 (1878); 111. Typ. Lep. Het. ii. pi. xxxi. fig. 6. A number of specimens, coll. Pryer. Yokohama (Jonas, Pryer, and Leech) ; Europe. 296. XYLINA SAXEA, sp. n. (Plate L. fig. 10.) Primaries pale grey ; the nervures are dashed with black, and there is a black streak at inner angle; three oblique black costal dashes precede small brownish clouds, there are two other larger brownish clouds, one of which is on middle of inner margin, and the other above the streak at inner angle; a small triangular brownish patch on middle of outer margin is preceded by a short black longitudinal dash: secondaries brown. Under surface brown tinged with pink, central dark spot and faint transverse line on each wing. Thorax grey; patagia edged with black; abdomen darker than secondaries, and tinged with reddish. Expanse 41 millim. One example, coll. Pryer. Yokohama ? (Pryer). PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1889, No. XXXVI. 36 |