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Show 450 ON SCLERORHYNCHUS ATAVUS. [Nov. 19, The broad median cartilage is distinct, very robust, displaying the numerous well-calcified tesserae ; and on either side of this the narrow area is comparatively thin, though exhibiting small tesserae that are more suggestive of cartilage-calcifications than of shagreen-granules. The anterior extremity of the type specimen (Catal. Foss. Fishes B. M . pt. i. pi. iii. fig. 1) shows a single pair of broad Rostrum of Sclcrorhynchus atavus. lateral cartilages occupying the entire width of the snout outside median rostral cartilage; and it seems probable that a similar arrangement exists in the new specimen now exhibited. A few rostral teeth occur, of the form already described in the British Museum Catalogue. " A third head and rostrum of Sclerorliynchus has lately been detected, mingled with remains of Teleostean fishes, upon a small slab from Mt. Lebanon in the British Museum (no. 53663). Though very imperfectly preserved, this fossil confirms the observations made upon the previous specimens, and also makes known the form aud proportions of the teeth in the mouth. These teeth are remarkably similar to those of a Lebanon fish of which the hinder portion |