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Show 1889.] INDIAN LEPIDOPTERA. 431 A B R A X A S POLIARIA, n. sp. Male and female. Wings cinereous brown ; both sexes sparsely irrorated with orange-yellow ; an ill-defined dusky spot at end of the cell in the fore wing, and a less defined transverse discal and a medial narrow shade on both wings ; the discal shade on the fore wing being slightly recurved, the medial straight, and those on the hind wing, when apparent, incurved ; body deep yellow, spotted with slaty black ; antennae in male thick, setaceous, slender in female; antennae and legs slaty black. Expanse of wings, o* 1-|, 2 1-| inch. Hab. Nilgiri Hills, 6700 feet. Four pairs received from Mr. Hampson. Nearest to A. ditritaria, Walker, the wings of which, in both sexes, are both densely covered with bluish-grey strigae, these strigae being more or less confluent on the fore wing, and in the male entirely covering that wing : the outer shady line on the fore wing has a blackish point on each vein. The antennae of the male of A. ditritaria are slender and minutely ciliated on both sides. In A.poliaria the antennae of the male are thicker and somewhat flattened. ABRAXAS OSTRINA, n. sp. Male. Antennae, head, body above and below, and legs and wings above and below of a uniform dark violaceous greyish black; fore wings above with a yellowish basal spot, two antemedial and two subapical costal yellow marks like short inward streaks, and a similar whitish mark in the middle of the abdominal margin of the hind wings, with a corresponding spot on the costa, and a point between like the indication of a medial line. Underside same as above, but in one of the examples some of the spots above and below are absent; head and thorax marked with bright ochreous, abdomen with similarly coloured bands ; below, there is one ochreous spot in the centre of the abdomen, and some ochreous tufts at the base of the legs. The female differs from the male in being somewhat paler and having the pale yellowish-white costal marks larger, and in having a broad disjointed white band containing one or two black spots across the centre of the hind wings ; underside same as upperside. Expanse of wings lyo-lT 8u inch. Hab. Nilgiri Hills. Three perfect specimens received from Mr. Hampson. Distinguishable from all other described Indian species by its intensely dark colour and peculiarly disposed markings. ABRAXAS TODARA, n. sp. (Plate XLIV. figs. 13, 14.) Male and female. Yellowish white; head and body yellow, spotted with black ; legs yellowish beneath and purple-brown above ; antennae black ; fore wings sparsely speckled with dark purple-brown and with five large equidistant patches on the costal border, the latter, excepting the basal patch, are more or less confluent, with a transversely disposed irregular-shaped medial and discal patch ; cilia |