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Show 286 MR. M. JACOBY ON COLEOPTERA [M&V 21, antennae piceous ; thorax deeply transversely sulcate ; elytra finely punctured, an angulate mark at the base and another semilunate spot near the apex obscure dark fulvous. Var. The elytral markings replaced by spots or streaks (1,2, 2). Length 2-3 lines. Head impunctate, with a deep fovea between the antennae, dark fulvous, the vertex more or less piceous ; antennae half the length of the body, the fifth to the eighth joints piceous, the others fulvous ; thorax scarcely one half broader than long, the sides straight at the base, the surface impunctate, with a deep transverse somewhat sinuate sulcation ; elytra finely punctured, scarcely shining, with traces of longitudinal grooves, obscure testaceous, the base with an angular piceous mark, extending to one third the length of the elytra, a semicrescent similar-coloured mark is placed below the middle ; legs and underside fulvous. Caracas and San Esteban. N. dimidiaticornis resembles greatly several other species of the same genus in colour and the design of the elytra, but is principally distinguished by the dark intermediate joints of the antennae and the rather less transversely shaped thorax : in the variety the elytra have a small spot placed on the shoulder, two before the middle placed transversely, and two others below the latter ; these spots are sometimes partly connected and indicate the pattern in the specimen which I have taken for the type. The appendiculate claws and deeply sulcate thorax will prevent the species for being mistaken for a Diabrotica. NEOBROTICA VARIABILIS, Jac Var. n\ntennae entirely fulvous. From Corozal. The two specimens contained in this collection agree in every way with the Mexican form described by myself in the ' Biologia Centrali- Americana,' except in the colour of the antenna?, which are fulvous as well as the legs. As the species seems, however, to vary in these respects, I think that the Venezuelan insects are but another local form of the type. Neobrotica is at once distinguished from Diabrotica by the transverse sulcation of the thorax, the longer first joint of the posterior tarsi, and the appendiculate claws. NEOBROTICA (sub DIABROTICA) OBERTHURI, Baly. Corozal. CtELOMERA CAYANENSIS, Fabr. From San Esteban. MALACORHINUS UNDECIMPUNCTATUS, n. sp. Obscure testaceous ; the apical joints of the antennae fuscous; thorax extremely finely punctured ; elytra very closely and more distinctly punctured, with eleven black spots (2, 3, 4, 2). Length 2 lines. Head impunctate, deeply transversely grooved between the eyes |