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Show Vi Vi Vi Vi fetting Side, they participate of the Rays of The fir Wine of Primeur grows at Volnet, which is a Village firuated about three Miles from Beaune, upon a Defcent of a Mile in Height at leaft, and two Milesin Length on the Side which is expos’d to the Rifing Sun: This Village, as well as Pomard, have their Dependance on the City of Beaune: Since the Citizens have been their Lords, as I have faid be- fore, thefe two Plots of Vineyards, have been oblig’d to receive the Law of their Vintages from the Magiftrates and Sages named for this Purpofe. 'This Hill produces the fineft, moft lively, and moft delicate Wine of Burgundy. The Grapes of the Vineyards of Voiuet are very finall as well as the Grain ; the Branches rife fearce above three Feet high through the whole Year ; the Grapes of it are fo delicate, that they won't bear the Vat more than twelve, fixteen, or eighteen Hours ; for if they be fuffer’'d to ftand longer, they would take the 'Tafte of the Stalk. This Wine is in Colour.a little deeper than the Eye of a Partridge, it is full of Fire, ftrong, light, itis almoft all Spirit ; it is, in fhort, the moft excellent of all Burgundy, which by reafon of its Violence is not traded in ; but its in- Vat, according asthe Climate is more orle delicate where it ismade. ‘There are inthefe four Hills certain inclos’d Cantons, which are in great Reputation. The Feves, the Cras, the Greves ; as alfo the King’s Inclofures are verydelicious. Aloffe is the fourth Vineyard of the Primeur. it is fituated uponthe Declivity of a Hill about three Miles from Beaune. This Valley is an Afcent fo gentle, that one can {carce perceive that one afcends till one has come to the Top of it. This little Village produces Wines of an extreme Delicacy : Theyare Jefs brisk than the former, but of a Tafte more flattering : The Colour isa little more foft, and lef {parkling, but fine ; and, like the Hill that produces it, the Wine is too little elevated, and too much declining: It partakes neither of the Firmnefs nor of the Stiffnefs of the Wines of the Height of the Hills : It has all the Tendernefs, nothing of the Hardnefs, and of confequence is fubjeét, in a little while, to grow ropy, and to take the bad Quality of Sweet- nefs ; neverthelefs it is fent to foreign Countries, but it requires much Choice and Judgment. Pernand, which is between the laft Vineyard and the grand Vineyard of Savigny, is of toxicating Quality is foon diffipated. The Duration of this Wine is from one Vintage to a greater Extent, but is of {mall Account, another, tho’ it perifhes at the Beginning of the Wines being not very delicate : ‘I hey are the Dog-days ; after which it changes its Co- of the Quality of the precedent Vineyards, lour, and is turned, but yet I doubt not but but harder and firmer, becaufe they are prothat it would keep longer in very cold Vaults. due’d upon a Hill that is higher and fteeper. The fineft of their Vats is drawn from a Can- There are fome Vats very delicious, and thefe go into other Countries, but under the Name ton of Vineyards, that is call’d Champan. Pomard is the fecond Plot of Vineyards of of Beaune Wine. Chaffagne is not very confiderable for its the Primeur: \t is fituate between Volnet and Beaune, not quite fo high as the firft, and a Extent, but is of greater Reputationfor its little higher than Beaune, It produces a Wine Wines. This, inmy Opinion, would be more that has a little more Bodythan the preceding, fit for England, becaute it would better bear and it is of the Colour of Fire, and has a Carriage by Land and Sea. Yt is extremely great deal of Perfume and Balfam: It will ftrong, full of Fire, and heady. It is comhold good fome Months longer than that of monly tart, which rendersit more durable than Volnet: It is more merchantable, and better the others: But if Perfons have Skill and for Health: If it be kept above a Year, it Leifure to bottle ir in the proper time, and to fattens, ropes, it waftes, and becomes of the drink it whenits Tartnefs begins to fall, it is Colour of the Skin of an Onion. The beft one ofthe nobleft Wines inthe World. If I Vat is that of Commaraine, that willfometimes had the Office of providing the King’s Wine, keep eighteen Months, but that is according as I would go into Burgundy to chufe it ; and in chufing the Wine ofthis Climate, I fhould be the Year is. The City of Beauue contains one very con- likely to fucceed. ‘This is the only Wine that fiderable Plot of Vineyards; it contains only one may leave in Bottles without Fear of its four Hills, which are about four Miles in growing ropy, or changing its Colour, of Length from Pomard to Savigny. ‘The firft of growing eager, orturning. The longer you thefe Hills is call’d St. Defire, the fecond the keepit, the better it is. It is more balmyand nouri but neverMoutee Rouge, the third Les Greves, and the above three fourth, the Fountain of Marconney. 'Thefe dif thelefs you may not preicri Years for the Bounds ofits Duration. It will ferent Soils produce Wines which participate of thofe of Vojnet and Pomard, without the Faults be fit for drinking at the End ofthe fecond of them; they have a little more Colour, Year; fometimes it lafts four Years, when the many good Qualities, and Laftingnefs, Vintage has been very good This is in the Rank of Wines inthe Primeir The Wines of Beaune laft fome more, and great de fomelefs, but they don’t laft above two Years ; thongh its Duration isa Savigny isa great Extent of they are fweeter, more agreeable, and more merchantable than the two preceding, and tween Beaune and P. j much better for Health. ‘The Colour of thefe form’d bytheSeparation « Wines is not equal, becaufe that depends much As the Hills that compote upon the Manner of making them ; or that open to therifing Sun by a ¢ they Jet it remain more or lefs Hours in the as they are fhut np as th the The third Article, of White-Wines. Sun one Side obliquely, and on the other directly. This Soil produces excellent ftrong, Before I begin to treat on White-wine, it racy Wines, which have both Bodyand Delicacy, when they have been drawn out into is properto let you knowthat it is made from Bottles ; bat they muft be vifited now and then, fo as not to let flip the Time whenthey fhould be drank. This would be avery good Wine for ; it will keep as well, and better than ye: It is not fo delicate nor fo brisk, it is more oily, and very good for Health. Auxey is pretty near of the {ame Situation, in a Corner between two Hills, which open themfelves to Mul/ault, or as far as St. Romain, where may be feen high Mountains crowned with very high Rocks. This Vineyard produces Wines more red and ftronger than thofe of Savigny, but they have not the Reputation ofthem. Thefe Wines have more Bodythan the preceding, and ought to be the Drink of all thofe Gentlemen that would not fhorten their Days by drinking thofe heady fparkling Wines, an Excefs in which is fo dangerous. a mafculine kind of Grape. This has two Qualities that the Grapes of the other Co- lour have not. The firft is this: That if the Vintage be late, and that the white Frofts and great Cold come, ir refifts the HoarFrofts; while the black Grapes grow four, withered, and fhrivell’d immediately. The fecond is, That affoon as thefe white Grapes are cut, they muft be put into the Prefs without entering the Vat, and without being trod as the black Grapes are; for if they were put there, they would give only a livid, ruddy, yellowifh Liquor. I thought mytelf obliged to acquaint the Publick with that. Mulfant is, after Beaune and Nuis, the largeft Vineyard of Burgundy in Extent ; ics Wines are gencrally approved in Germany and the Low Countries, and throughout all France ; I knownot whetherthey are fo in Englaid or The fecond Article, of the Wines de Garde, or not. The Wines which this Soil produces, in all hot and dry ‘Years, are delicious, {parkthofe which will keep a great while. ling, agreeable, warm, and beneficial; they Nuis is a very-fmall Village, about nine are not dear; and if they were well cholen, nd, and Miles from Beawne, in the Road to Dijon they would be an Honour to The Territory of this Village contains be- Pleafure to thofe that drank them. When tween four and five Miles in Extent, All they are kept above a Year and half, they thofe Gentlemen that love the moft delicate fometimes grow yellow and eager. Puligny is a Vineyard next to Muffauit, but and healthful Drinks, have the Wines of the Hills of Nuis for their Tables. ‘Thefe Wines much more in the Plains, which produces the beft White-wines; they are, within a very areat firft very rough, fharp, and tart: They require to be kept till their fecond, third, little, of the fame Quality with the Wines of fourth and fifth Year; and when their Rough- Muffauit, but their Fame is not divulged, and nefs and their Hardinefs is gone, their Tartnefs the Name is almoft unknown. Aloffe, of which I have fpoken in the Arbeing fallen, there comes in their Place a Perfume and Balminefs very delicious. ‘They are ticle of the firft Wines, produces allo excellent of a deep Velvet Colour, and yet neat and Wines Morachetis a little Plot of Ground between brilliant. Lewis the X1Vth drank no other Chaffagne and Puligny, in the Plain, which is Wine. The Clofe of Vougeot is fituated a League in the Poffeffion of one Vein of Earth, which from Nuis on the Side of Dijon ; it appertains renders its Soil wholly of the fame Kind ; it intirely to the Monks of the famous Abby of produces a White-wine the moft curious and Citteaux, built between the Sadneand this Hill. moft delicious in France ; there is no Wine of which it produces, comes nearer to Cote Rotie, Mufcat, nor Frontignan that equals L ne than to anyother. It is very it. It produces but a very {mall Quantity, and it fells very dear; and in order to havea excellent, and is drank in foreign Countries. Chambertin produces, to my Liking, the moft {mall Quantity ofit, it ought to be befpoke valuable Wine ofall Burgundy. It is fituated a Year before; becaufe this Wine is always between Dijon and Nuis. It contains the Qua- befpoke before it is made. But great Caution lities of ail the other Wines without their is to be taken not to be deceivd, for the Faults. This is what one mayforget without neighbouring Vineyards ofthis Clofe partake Pear, Ihave drank it fix Years afterit has been a little of the Quality, and oftentimes pats for produc’d, and it pour’d troubled and thick into the Glafs, but grewclear immediately, and by its Motion recover’d its Spirits, and a Colour the moft lively and neat: And they alfo fell it as dear again as the other Wines of Bur- gundy. It was fold the laft Vintage but one for forty and forty-two Pounds Sterling the Chantier, when the Wines of Volnet, Pomard, and Beaune fold for not above twenty Pounds Sterling a Queiie, whichcontains, I have faid before, tour hundred and eig Paris Pints, as Morachet, and therefore it will be abfolutely neceflary to have a faithful Correfpondent This Wine has thofe Qualities that neither the Latin nor the French Tongue can expres: [have drank of it of fix or feven Years old, and am not able to exprefi its Delicacy and Excellence. ¢g to treat concerning all the 1 am nowgoing Vineyards of th the Upper Burgundy ; thole who have pa{s’d the grand Road that leads from Dijon to Lyons, the Length of the Hills, will doJuftice to my Exaétnefs, and I defire thote $2 that |