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Show Works to be done in the Pleafure-Garden anc Wildernefs. 7 Take upall late Bulbs which were not fit the laft Month, and continue to lay Pinks and Carnations mbich were not ftrong Septen before; mony, Ré fow Tulip us, and ie bulbous aad seiietate: rooted oers in Cafes toward the Endof this Month, placing themin the Shade. : Tranfpslant the Bulbous-rootedIris’s, Hyacinth ws, and fuch other bulbous and tuberofe-root ed Flowers as will not endure to be kept long out of the Ground. Gatherthe Seeds of fuch Flowers as are now ripe, preferving themin their Hufks till they are quite dry, which will perfect their Maturity and prevent their Decay. Broom, Virginian Acacia Tulip-Tree, § Cinquefoil, Slane Wh Yellow, and D. a Fa/mines, ae with 1eaeae ditto with Mar, Double and § Caftus, Al. ‘rutex, Bladder Sena, Cyti Lunatus, Ci two or three Kinds, Ca Hypericum, Phlomis or Sage two or three Sorts, with fome others. Work to be done in the Green-houfe and Stove. Gather the Flowers of your Oran where they are produc’d too clofe, leaving only fome ofthe ftrongeft and bet fituated 10 bear Fruit, for too great a NumberofFruit weakens the Trees. Clear your Garden fromall efpecially thofe which foon fhe and prep your Beds for Off-fets anc ling bulbous Roots, which fhould be plan Continue to make Cuttings of fuch Exotick Plants which you want to increafe, provided you have not done it the preceding Month: Soil and freffh E phorbi anfplantt feedling Piz WS, Pr ” re JU JU Kle, Cd i Sand fuch other ooted Plants which were fown in A And towards the End of the Month you mayt ers from the old Roots of Ca Sweet Williams, and fuch od‘a as are root Cut down the Stalks of all fuch Flowers as have done blowing, andtie ay to Sticks all fuch Flowers as are to blow the fucceeding Months, left the Wind break them down and deftroy them. Inoculate Rof SG s, and other curiot Shrubs and Trees; thisSvisath being the p seaion for that Work. ut andtrim Hedges, fhear Box-ed¢ mowGrafs-plats, roll Gra avel-Walks, an {troy Weedsin every Part of the G ace. Plant Indian Figs, Fri Craffa’s other Aas Plants, fetting herin a fhady Situation until they have taken Root, but do not give them much Water. Shift fuch Exotick Plants as have been rais’d from Seeds in the Spring, into larger Pots, placing fuch of themas are tenderinto a Bark- bed, obferving to fhade the Glaffes in the Heat of the D ay, and refrefh them often with Water. Give a Quantity offree Air to the moft tender Exoticks when the Weatheris warn andlittle Wind ftirring, but in tl ay fhade the upper Glaffes of the Stove when Sun is hot. Stir up the Bark in your 4a Frrame, and add little frefh Bark to increafe the Heat, plunging your Pc again immediately ; but do this _ ftill, cloudy Day, that the Plants fader by being expos’d to the open Sun or oF Air. lant Cuttings of Myriles, lay Bom Spa ie Arabic and prune and tie t Exotick rane ach growoutof Order; but do not trim them to round Heads, (as is te Practice of fome) for by this you cut ol t™ floweringParis, andgreatly deface then Wathand clean the Leaves of yo Plants from Filth and Infeéts, which 4 {ubject to lodge uponthe Surfacesof the of fuch Trees as are conftantly pref the Stove, and are often ve prejud the Plants. of ae ers Kin 1s, hr Kinds, Gather the Seeds of fuch Exotick P! are ripe, laying them upon Papersint to harden and “dry, and then preferve the Hufk until the Seafon for fowing th ts in Flower in the Green-houfe anc f feveral t 5 of feveral Rindss, and fome lefs Note. Hard ges. and ico Myrtle a 3 be Fovis or Si , Ciftus Ledon, > two or w Indian Azor Fafmines, Gere 5s two Sorts 1 of feveral Kinds, ble Plants, Coral-Tree, Lotus ca, and Lotus Hemorrhoidalis 0 two or three Sorts, Granadilla’s two three Sorts, Coffee-Tree, White Spanifh room, Fabago Africana anbenefeans flore fulphureo, &c. Oleander. white, fweet/ and doubl é Fiiia Craffa pee Boreasfe 8 pier Sorts of Ficoides’s, /mall : 5 a edety of teens ports: Is of fe oral Sorts, Ricinus «or ae, brifti,pe tlaaae folio multifide Blue Umbellated é Convolvulus’s feveral Sorts, Double urtium, Myrto Ciftus, Polygala Fru18, Digitalis Acanthoides, Heliotropium Scofolio, Gnaphalium Maritimum, Elichryfeveral Sorts, Caltha Africana Croci folio, Anemonofpermos of feveral Sorts, Doria’s Blue African umbellated Hyacinth, of two or three Sorts, Aloes feveral Sorts, Yucca, b u foliis j i Baffellas, rnum’s two or three *5 two or three Sorts, Pap aya, Sifyrinchi Indian Figs of feveral Kin 1s, © Caper-Iree, Phytolacca, Work to be dene in the KitchenGarden. Beginning of this Month tranfplant and Saavorys for Winter Ufe, either en Rows of Cauliflower s or Beans, which he 1a hort Time will be taken off, and thenthe new-planted Plants will have full Room to grow, and being fhaded by the other Things at firft planting, they will take Root fooner than w hen planted in an openclear Situation; itis by this, obferving to place Crops of diferent Sorts to fucceed ‘each other uponthe ¢ Ground, that the Gardeners near London do‘ g fo much to the Markets from {mall ntitics of Ground and clean Carrots, Parfuips, Onior ts, andall other late Crops; forif SALEoHer mitted to growatnis Secges fome. < out young Plants of all Sorts of fweet fown in the Spring, as ory, eet Marjoram, &c. of Pot He bs, as Cl Burnet, is, and many ot Sorts, Room enough to fpread, y y will be much ftronger than thofe re eae in the Seed-beds. y till fflip andpla nt s able to this for fuch eing for the moft part Ground verss did grow; a or common Prattice whereon your and if you have between them of the London the Ground beloofe for the and then ing great Cate not to bruife or break them, would be veryinjurious to thefe Plants. Plant Kidney Beans for a late oe », and fow Brown Dutch and Common Cabbage Lettuces to comelate, obferving to place them in a ue idy Situation, and tri ini: ant Letty I Kinds for cabb xing, which were fownin / Lay, pl anting them alfo in the Sh ade; but not under Tree » nor too near a Wall, Pale, or any 1 other Building, which will caufe them to run up, and not cabbage. Vranfplant Celery into Trenches for Blanch ing, and £E uve upon an open Spot of Ground, and fow Endive Seed to comelate Conuaue fowing all Sorts of young Salle 2S every We k in fhady Borders ; for at Seafon they will foon growtoo large for fe. Sow Turneps upon a moift Spot oe Ground, olblerving todo jit whenthere is an I ixpectation of Rain, which will in a few Days bring up the Seeds; and in the Begginning of the Month you may fow Broccoli for the fecond Crop, and Finocchia for the third. Obferve now to thin out your Fin which wasS fown the preceding Months, as alfo fo to clear ic from Weeds, otherwife if it be if awn up flender by beiIng too clofe, or by Ww eeds growing amongtt it, it will foon run up to Seed, and will be very fmall: Earth up that ch was fon in March, whichis now full grown, and when blanched, will be fit for Ufe. Weed and thin the Plants in your Holes of Cucumbers for Pickliing, obferving to leave but four of the ftrongeft and beft fituated Plants, earthing them up at the fame Time, and if the Weather be dry, give them fome Water to fettle the Earthto their Roots. If the Nights fhould prove cold, you mutt continue to cover your Melons with otherwife the Fruit wil change Yellow, drop off from the Vines; and be very ¢ not to give them too much Water, alfo very injurious to them. Gather Snails after Rain, for now the Nneatbe being warm, a Shoower will draw themall out from their Holes, whereby they may be eafily deftroy’d j : Gather Herbs for drying, of fuch Sorts are nowin Flower, hanging them up in fhady Placethat they maydry leifurely, whicl will caufe them to be much better than thofe dried in the Sun. In dry Weather, gather Seeds of all Sorts that are ripe, layin1g them to dry upon I or Cloths before they are beaten out of theix Hufk : Kitchen-Garden iz June. |