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Show LU LU fcorch what Plants they touch, efpecially the b ight, . which the Gardeners about London have too often found r Coft, é when they have incautiov over their C rs early ina fi ing, before Dew wasevaporated f The moft convenient way of picking the is into a long {quare Frame of W ood call’ 2 a Binn, with a Cloth hanging on enter hooks within it, to receive the Ho are pick’d. ; This Frame is compos’d of i Wood join’d togethe fupported by four L with a Prop at each End to bear up anot lone Piece of Wood plac’d venient H ) ie of this ferves | he Poles u which are *d. more tender. and confin’d within the Glafs, did there form a denfe, tranfparent, fcalding Vapour, which 1 kill’d the Plants. the upper or lower Surface of arate, flying Volumes of the many Forms they es approach fo n will fell for a third thofe which are difcoloured at ( Binn i i wn, y between ne Wile the I ht andethecBe Tire qs kepes a oh i : from Cur il ] ow te ; , The Oat Fire bef the even fteady, and the t Bre: I f the tobe fo dry a by reaching over then If the Kiln be twelve I op, it ought to be nine F Fire, and the Steddle o gh i is to be Hops t t Fir by the Brittle fhort when it find, they take the Hops 3€: arft warm’d wi laid on; and then = > er, ast 1ey do not rat do; and where th kept under then workat it, t ; them to ee other Bed o It will bet and proceed the Eaft or No: an do it convenient]; le choice of a Plot of tl 2, as it were, fo r rou t en Hills fquare, Lill vs ¢ Ipor > Heat. DS) tl them, muf I ri Nhen e a5 ily fo many tl re I I ; Qn t 5 >. Fi or 1 . | n the $ 1¢ f dv #4 a kan > tomak ich thick, and two or awn and laid acrofs on And if Dienlty. at abo vile, to fupport it fro Thi y> to Frozen reat Re- d the wnen refolv’d, exc he Reverend i llas by denfe tranf- > made of 1g scent, their 1 Colour of their ; toberipe, edition more Poles Hour ; z Weather, if ; ] e fon 1 preferve their Colour 02 an MHiair-cloth, of the fame Form that is us’d for Drying of J to give Making it ; fince every C Jaye r, 1n thofe Countries wh ] is made, knows howt he Top, v Plantation requires, allow, “he : ce v’d on this ]Me: Pr win much |