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Show AN ee duc’d to a Duft, is render’d much finer gun in the Soaker, and perfected in the ee that from the Wef-Indies, which cor is fepainto a Ma tery, where ‘tis united sh on rated from the watry Parts which fwim Cakes, as it was dried, intto Vat, from whence it is drawn to be par but what doth that fignify « Top, and this fettles to the Bottom of a fame Subftance which there was before it was put a foaking ; is it not natural to believe, that it is the fame Subftance, the fame Salt, which being feparated fromits Covering, and with its Gr ain and therefore coni{ec Goodnefs of the Merchandize the Bags, and afterwards into the Cafes, as we is the fame in both, altho’ there nention. Difference. ; pest neer to be {paring in the Build* For to be convine’dof ing and Solidity ofthefe Vats ; for the Strength Lump ofSugar equally Whit of the Fermentation being very great, the it, and pound one Brick-workat leaft, andthe Plaiftering, fhould fhall appear much w : be very well done, and the Cement chofen and work’d with great Care, orelfe they will left intire ; this proceeds from th into a greater Number crack ; and in cafe there be but avery little the one being div ) ; and almoft Slit, one of thefe Vats of Indigo will run out, of Parts, which, which will be a confiderable Lofs to the Pro- infenfit le, y t are tity of Super tor Light ; Pened this Mifchief happens, we fhall fhew infallible Remedy, which I you an ealy ‘Take can anfwerfor, having experienc’d it. offomeftrongfort of Sea-fhelis, which fhould re- be pounded (with out baking them) duc ‘d aea Powder, and{fifted v fine. Take c and fife it, 1 Ouadtey 7 It is alfo fine, 1e Sli Beauty of the manner givethhe {3 an a is the other; mediately prevent the Matter from getting out of the Vat. All the Wi or thatInd a Dye with which oI, Cloth, ou as Monfieur Ya doubt, 2 The fineft Spain, comes from , being i y the Empire of the Great Mogul, or the Ki domof Golcond , andotherPlaces thereabot Hs Some Authors, Brother, Pere at amongft theHae a di 2 that which com handfomer, comesfrom the/ F/ g ‘thara thaut wi to w\ hict sens! § ofJudizo only tohi at myaiehecomes Fou ihe Jaft-Indies. They would hav efpoke r juftly ifthey hadcall’d the laft Reund Indige their Leave, all the Difference there the two Indigo’s, is, that that which in the Ea? is made jes is form’d like half an I and that of the Weft-Indies is like a Lozet for as to the Goodnefs and Be auty, the onewill not reproach th other, when they are made with equal Ca 1 the fame Fidelity. The Figure of the Indigo which is made in the Ex lies, obliges the Merchaants, when they wo uld tranfport it into Europe, to pound at they may ae Quantiity in the és or Barrels in h it isinclos’d. It is that being fo pounded, its Grain, which was broken under tthe Peftle, and re- This Plant requires a good rich Le Soil, and which is not too ary, for it g poverifhes the Ground where it Bt fhould be fownbyitfelf, for we comes fro: m when we more, n1 ora Confiftence, nor before. The Leavy and very wither'd, canno too much Care in clearingaall other Herbs from amoneft them, let them be of what Nature foever. They weed and clean the Ground, where they plant the Judigo Seeds, five times: It appears to me they ought to lay, Sow it; but the Term of Planting is opretate din our s, and I do not believe it my uty to fall with our Inhabirants for a Worrd efteem’d the d that it is not nor the fame Colourthat it had which werewell nourifh’d, full of Juice, are light, flabby, and and more like Dung than any thing elfe and this is what has occafion’d the commonly giving the Name. of Rotter to the Soaker. If then wefind not in the Leaves, and in all theother Parts of the Plant, the fame Tongue. They times this Neatnefs a great Length, in fweep g the Ground, as they {weep a Chamber ; after that they make Drills or enches, wherein they put the Seeds, for irpofe the Slaves, or others, who do k, range a Lit inning of and walking backward, draw s the Width oftheir Hoes, and t two or three Inches deep, at equal Diother, at about a Foot afunin a Line as ffrait as poilible, they are come to the End ofthe each of thembeing provided with a ' Seed, and returning back again, 1 mposd ofthe Salt and Subftance fa Plant of the fame anfay, that it is the Difolution or Digeftion of the Plant, caus’d by the E tior is excited in the Water where it is put to foak I know that fome Writers pretend, ‘That the Subftanc the Leaves doth not produce the J; y according to them, is a Dye, or vifcous Colour, which the Fermentation of the Plant diffufes in the Water ; but be - we believe th em upon their W ‘ord, I three Days after the Plantati They. commonly nue a moift finifhed. hich T I he Culture of the Plant by Pere Labat is made. in it comes fron has related in his iy) oya rope, moft commo fieom , taking fortl per ale: the Name of the Country Where it was made, the Nameof thefé Parts are not better, and bound more when theyare put in well made, is fimply call’d from the MenGuati is alfo made in the Ea/?-Indies, parti as Mont, Tav Weeall this ir Ind Indigo t pound this Dy Parts “if pating in the Ai agrees; and who can grow with them, in fuch a ma nner, re the wife Inhabitants never hazard t e iting of it dry, that is to fay, ina Time when probablythere are no eae § of Rain in two or of Indigo, fo ufeful to Painters and Dyers ? we murder the F} Vats with = will incorpo- rate and dry in a very fhort Time, being diffus’d in the Water, thickens, and forms byits Union or Coagul:lation, this Mafs of Blue Colour, to which we give She Name sundanceofPlaces, altho’ in this Cuftom, that all’ and wi is fte eat Difgence. AN ds into the litele Trenches put in eleven orthi rteen a fuperftitious Notion g inan odd Number approvd ofthis Praéi nor did | troup my {elf to go about to CC vince them 0 the Ufelefsnefs and Ridiculouf. 7 »f this Practice, becaufe I believe I fhould is the moft troublefome of Manufacturing ofthe ie ligo, for ) plantit muft always ftoop, without up, until the Plantation af tt > whol is great, as it almoft alway lig'd to remain two Hou ch, when it ey are ol n or, 1 back again,and fillLup the y have put in the Seed, thr Feet, which Earth with th out, and fo the Seed will be covere two Inches thick with Earth. Sees Pian they take to clean Ground where thefe Seeds have been for they muft hot fleep when the Indigo is out of tne Ground, becaule, the Goodnel of the Soil, together with the | { eat of the Climate, as alfo the Dew which fall in the Night, ties of gious Quantity of Weeds to. cc f would choak and abfolutely {poil the if they are not extreme careful to W appears, and keep up the aordinary Neatnefs oiten are, in part, tl certain kind of Caterpillar, devour all the Leaves. After the Plant is come up, in two Mont hs it will be perfectly pice wheni t w a be a proper State tocut ; if5 {tay lon flowers, the Leaves thasdies dr and confequ a will affo and the Colou il not be fo After this “fit Cutting, an continue to cut the néw Branche and Leaves that are produc’d every ix W or the ofingit a rainy Seaf on, and that we reful not to cut it in a dry ‘Time, bec that will infall ibly fpoil the Plant, on fay in the Countr Y5 abi it, and the on well m ana xd, the Plant but all Thi gs be ing will laf two Years be oblig’d to replant it; afterit is pleanted, we The Plant being artiv’d to its which is known bythe Leaves | €co ning more brittle, and lef pliable, tl 7 cut it fome Inches above Ground. They ufe ffor this Cutting large crooked Kniv. es, made Some ofthe Inhabitants ma Cc it up into Bun - dles, like a dout Bottle of Hay that a > may moreeafily carryit to the Soak er, eft Part of themput it into large fe Cloth, which they fa ften at the four Corr vhich more commodiol the Plant lef handled and fouled, and thofe {mall are asfafe ly ied as the thefe work with more Dili gence ich tie it in Bottles ; andas une ’ precious all over fal not to waft > Wecan’t be Parcels of the Herb, s of Hz nY5 or fill one Soaker of have before given; then this Altho’ all Seaions good for planting the ed with Water, fo as to cover the ° er, be very careful of > then put fomePieces of Wood on tl und ina dry Time ; it is Top, to prevent the Herbs from fy good a Month on the Top of the Water, pr ty clofe, as is but then the practisd on Gray when they are put into »s'd fo, that we the Prefs, then leave the who ferment : round by Vermin, According as the Heat is ereater or lefs, and ed by the Weeds which the Plant is more or lefé ripe, the Fermentation |