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Show J Ground, andthe third onlyleft above-g “wkbite ail é ampion, j ‘witha reflex’d Spike. firit, fecond, a Sorts are 3 ery i from which the Shoot will be produe’d and make a good Plant; by which Methodthis beautiful Flower may be propa fafter than from the Root alone. This Plant delights in a fieth Thefe are ily propagated 1 much which is not too dry, where it will produce Be o. very ftrong Stems, and rife about three Feet one about the high. ‘Fhis flowers in Fu/y, andif the Seafon does not prove very hot, will continue in uation, pro- Beauty a whole Month, for which itis greatly March,upon a Bed oflight, and whenthe Plants are co aoe be cane» The Double Sopewort isa Plant of no great emfrom Seeds, tl a Bed of frel and 1d being a very great Runnerin has been almoft exelude S: dens: but as it is erylittle Culture, mitted to have a Pls the Gaarden. former, and at J into the Borde foi Thi Id never “ft r it will over-run e planted ur where it wi they fhould fhould be p ny where it will mz and were it lefs comm teem’d thanit is $ ig Poppy or WL 1 Plant in the Fields in r Parts of l, and is rarely cultivated in Gaiardens; it thofe who have a mind to preferveit for dicinal ; eS, I l propagate it by fowyon a| Bed of common eafily rife ceds will foon ov will continue for d proove ed : until any pretty ftro they tho Id is the earlieft, but the double tinues Icongeft in Flower. ¢ fingle Sort may be propagated bySeeds, more of the Sun. {t be frequently, wa- fhould: be fown: in: Marc b, upon a Bed them have sand: 1rot tarth; and when t eneCOrHE ups ld be tranfplantedir | a ig afunder, where the hey wil eeethan to keep them c in) very dry W ther to red aich, continue are greatly 5 but; prodaces the Top en Pin Stalks tt hiaa he red Colour, and a Pretty. Variety, in a, Garden: This feldom gtows aboveeight or ning Inches R sii Get Roots: is in CpSeafon ; the lower cau -bed, as wassai ,will end ft: r el ters well, ene much, ch thouldbe. done]in 4 if it be perk tm’din the Spring, tl ther, which ufually happens|“at that Seafon, atly retards tl TOW V y their sare ney erfo ftrong, nor; uc’dinfuch when they ate remov'd in Autunm. 4 their Flowers wane beds visnearly plac’d in the Reafon it c delid ot herwif fotr the an |