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Show ! SeMe Kaw LT BE AG | ARDENING is an Exercife excellently adapted to human Nature, and accordingly the Great Author of all Things, having planted a Garden, placed our firft Parents therein to Till and Drefs it. Tis was called The Garden of Eden, i.e. The Garden of Pleafure; probably, not only on account ofits pleafant Situation, but alfo becaufe of the pleafurable Employment of Drefling and Keepingit. Wir fo many happy Circumftances is the Exercife of Gardening attended, that greater Encomiumscan fcarcely be given to any other: But of themall, I fhall only mention, and that briefly, thefe following : . The Delightfulne/s, . The Innocency, . The Healthfulne(s, | 4. The Advantageoufnefs ; And, 5- The Honourablenefi. 1. Asto the firft, What can be more delightful, than in the Spring. time, to behold the Infant Plants putting forth their verdant Heads, from the Bofomoftheir foftering Mother the Earth? In the Summer Months, the Flowers tingd with a Variety of the moft charming Dyes, feeming, as it were, to vie with each other, which fhall moft allure the Beholder’s Eye with their fplendid Gayety, and entertain the Noftrils with their enlivening Fragrancy? and in Autumn, to view the bending Boughs, asit were, fubmiffively offering their delicious Fruit, and courting the Gatherer’'s Acceptance ? 2. As for Innocency; Horticulture was by the All-wife Creator appointed to be the Employmentof our firft Parents in their innocent State, and |