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Show AU ag AU lour; or, as others {uppole, of the Province ¢ and anyotherof your es Stoveor Green-honfe Plants, which were not ov'd in the preceding Months, obferving le them from thegreat Heat of the Sun of a Heart ; the Fruit t Exoticks as were fet is round and deprefs'd, venings now"be gin to r Bo “TI re are me aa want ous; to enumerate them all would be too Rin, as Help. vesite Sum rwbite Co vil lulci for, Cuiffe » Calioroffatt, and White Magdalen, China Orange. : 4. Aurantium ; Crifpo folio, The curl’d-leav’d Orange. 5. AuRanTiunee vaviegato. Crifpo folio, Boerh. Ind. leav ea Orange I this . Ferr. Hefp. my Boerh, Ind. 8. Aur M; b ; at which time you them before the cold We they may the |better ft the"tollg ing Winte fafficiene H. Earth, mixd fake en ing you m the at y tho Plan 12 sar- int ewHot-bed, k raife the their Sten which their he } crooked:dn the fuccee gi ement will be the f 1 Water : to fix the Ear m the Sun in the Heat of the In this Method, with due Care, your degrees, in quite off, ut begin to harden them raifing your Glafles very pa 3 but donot expofe them to the open he Heat of the Day, which would be veryinjurious to them, ¢€ ally while young: Znoward the Endof September you muft houfe : gto place them near the i nd ows of the Green-houfe, to prevent the Da U f from moulding their tender Shoots : the Win Seafon they maybe often vith Water, but it muft be done § flower’d Orange. for Quicknefs of Growth, as alfo t oy will take Buds of either Or. e, Lemon, ot Citron: The beft Seeds are uliually be had from rotten Fruits, 5 } 1 and when the Weather is good, take them AuRantium ; angufto ay Sit folio elem Zantiffime variegato. The ftrip’d Turkey Orange. ofthis Kind arepreferable to any other, both Pots shemnuat ald, The Tur you purpole to raife Stocks for budding of Orange s, you fhould procure fome CitronSeeds which wereduly ripen’d ; for the Stocks f ts will grow to be two Feet high by 9. Aurantium ; angufto Salicis folio dif Boerh. In L‘The willow- leavid Orange, com=- ner of raifing them fromSeed. te tl y: Auvantium acai Citrium, The Hermaphro- wers in to or yet lafting. iD Ste fome Carnations; Painted ; S amine, Marvel of Peru, Amafeveral Sorts; Amara utboides, Sun5, Golden Rods, ‘Lower, Campanul July; iving r them buta littleeachtime; h vil, wath their Heads and . m from the Filth that may haverie i Do ane their being in the Hout your give them g a entle Hot {in the Spring, which will greatly forward them, b tden them bythe Beg : 2 they maybe in right : ?, when you fhould mak of Cuttings from Trees that are i an u hatever Kinds you pleat i at the Shoots are round, I ud a I I SeH8 you of se fash, it Jet them ye as muc le, and refr m often nal h’s-time budvad them shaaS SAKER 5 t fuch ear in Che js, indeed, by mucl nifhing a Green-ho thofe whic! will not growfo ten or twelve {mall when w Y i tain large In the C the Differencec they haveany up different Sort S; good Budsin eact have butone, wl irregular Hea Frefhnefs of the Bark, Wher Parcel of Hot-bed of itl ris j } ver Part of better to drawa Ss 4 5 the 1 in fuch a the ck -en-houfe Se eee Laan the i over ¢1 belies3 much better and alicr to f ) a : cn you have budded joa } remove then 2 rom Management requires much Water) and be fure to creen dite Orange . Auranziom 3; fruttu minimo. The Nutsho or, Dwarf Orange. 14. Aurantium; fruélu minimo, foliis ex albo variegatis. The ftrip'd Nutmeg; or Dwarf Orange. There are allo a great Variety of Oranges with ft ftrip'd Leaves, to be found in the curious Collections ofthefe Tse, which differin the Colour or Manner ofthe Stripes or Blotchess but thefe I fhall pafs over, and proceed1 firlt { bed, pale 12. Aurantium; flore duplici, The double Management, if your Bu will grow to the He very often, (for this Plant, when in a Hot- vulgare 11. Auranrium; fruélu maximo, India Ovientalis. Boerh. Ind. The Pumpelmoes ; or Shaddo Sun during the Heat of their Roots, and obferveto re peat the fame The common Hervmaphroditum, plungetheir Potsintc to give them Ai the We r fhall fcreen them from the 1 ‘se Pots, a 6. Aurantium 5 Coruiculatum, Ferr. Hefp. um ditium, 2 young plunging the The horn’d Oran ftrip’d Orange. " » ing their Roots; thd having put a fi Plant into each of the {mal] Pots, fill the up with the fame Earth as before dire&ed, The ftrip'd curld- variegato, Pots; you muft there- Hot-bed: and having pre- half full of good 1 vi he Moilfture, they will be Stocks about three ll Half-peny Pots, the leading Shoot, ieord eInches over atthe Top) Branches: In the firWinter 2 : AURANTIUM3 ' (whi The elege or r their Appearance, fit ur ive. Ferr, Hefp. The fweet Sevil Orange. 3. Aurantium; Sineufe. Ferv. Hefp. ; f Ys The common $ se Orange. 2. AURANTIUM; m™ eat r : in this Place, 1 fhall therefore only . AURANTIUM; wo & medulla, Fruits in Prim left the Seeds too great Heat: In three Seeds will come up; andif o the Curi- at this Scatots which are very injurious to mention the beft knownSorts, and proceed fucculent Plants. to ee Culture. 0 OF Apples; > proper Air, ufter Jeeks-time 3 he young PI ants are not ftunted, either for a very great Variety of this Tree preferv’d in the Gardens of tedious } a he ¢ { fow your Seeds in Pots of and plunge them into the ving to give them Water fre, and fhade the Glafles with Mats in t of the Day; and raifing the E a yel ow Colour when ripe ; OFis ; in which it s from the Citron ana weet, y7 have taken frefh Root. rdciglatter End of the Month, houfe ut of Orange. | The Orange-Tree. , The ( HAEGS é s o #wo or Appenduges at fai Safe, which ave like Ears, and cut in Form 1 ) eae ig : eiv'd them); then 1 clean their Roots from all F | broken or bruis’d Roo = yc areiquite dryid by be= fo longoutoy the E i f{crub the n hard Hait 1, cle: ¢ them v | ; then cut of the s ol x 4nches from the Stem ; C lantity of good frefh Jeats-dung, ter, ifthen you can eafily duds medees ¢ a moderé procureae or for nners Pk; ane alter ana Porcher ot : Hot-bed of having cut Of the Dla pl big 7/our ¢ Sol enough herein, otbf rv cP g& never to Hee Ukn ts if eee they are but to contain their Roots, it is fuf= ficient |