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Show jected, the Trouble keeping them in Orc ing very great, nor are the Hedges madcsaath them everfo thick and handfome, as thofe made with divers other Plants. The two va ated Kinds are pretty Varieties amongit other ‘d Shrubs: 'Thefe may be p gated by la ing, or inarching them upon the plain Sort, as alfo y laying, dow n their Branches ; as they deldom fhoot fo aft, as to produce many Braiiches proper for Layers, fo the other Methodis chiefly us‘d. The Silver-ftrip’d Sort is fomewhat tenderer than thePlain, but will endure the open Air, i plantedin a dry Soil, andin a y fend forth from theold Plar Thefé thor tol ited into a Nurfery, where > or four Years ; after e fit to tran{plant into hey are to continue: Roots; iren onrer Culture than to dig I every Year, and take : re produc’dfrom their i fer’d to remain, would wh ftarve the old Plants, and gro w upinto an grow in almoft anySoil orSitua- Ge co mmonly flower beft in that warm Situ 3 for though aftrong, moift Soil igoroufly, yer n fo produ Flowersas in which is generally the Cafe with butif either of the variegated Kinds be ina moift, rich Soil, ; fubj come plain fromtheir vigorous Growth. LILAC; [it isan Arabick Name; hough fome derive it from the Lily The two variegated Sorts oi preferv’d by ‘ odelight:in ftrip’d E ants, as reat Beautyin e Flowers bear fome Refemblance to the Lily Tt is alfo call’d by the Greeks SvewE, the Latins, iga, becaufe whenthe P taken out of its thick Branches, they are made into Pipes.] Thhe Pipe- Tree. I ; Plants are 2 low Blotcl when t in them, of wth, hen thefe white and = th : than he ‘old J i. the G Feaaray the its having a very other is calle d the J Orange is > in moft They are both very multiply exc -edingly, U o or three Years undifturbe red Sort, which fends f of Off-fets ftom the old Plan may be eafily propa; tran{plant their Re Oéfober, after their I they may be removed vided they are tak kept too long above forlarge Borders in a P plant under ‘Trees will thrive and flower ve ry y too large for {mall Flower G thrives Culture ; valmoft anySoil or ¢ the yellow Sort produc any by Sesheo have been intir Sa ne L ers, which its P May and Fune, and the red Sort com a Month later; their Flowers Duration, fe Ide ym continuin but are 3 ceeded by frefh Flow Bie the yell 0 oblong {pec (ucceeded by C ant Inch 16 Bie o Plenty ; lanted in eon ie i it di es no aken. ther cen them, heth to lower fhould fhould Hie "7Phefe pr + and flen- The Whit me up foonafer, oda id Spring until May, at foon after which the than an the o planted, for if theyare y will have fent forth from Suckers a om Ipr oduce them will gr eatly injure the irb’d. 5 lef commonin England felMd 9m produces morethari c Stalk, which is {maller mer; but nearly of the alfo cultivated as the fame Seafon, nin Barbadoes, warmIflands xpe gatis. ‘Lilac. 6. Lirac ; fe Privet Leaves, f rooted th are not loi mine, 4. Lirac; with cut Leave Perfian Jafmine, ane ee firft Sorts do commoonly grow ighteen or twenty Feet hi gh, andare very great Ornaments to Quarters of floweri Trees in tl E Spring durir z eir flowering Seafon, if rig itly difpos’ e among es ofthe far eee Thefirft andfee ond Sorts are more common than the third; buit the third is much preter able to the fecond: The Flowers of that growing much clofer upon the Bunches, and are i a finer Purple Colour, ans. I Tees gener al 5 and the wl a, do afford an agre able \ ari ety, tho? th fecond maybe admitted to add a Luttre to the other Thefe Plantsare eg ily eg et by Suck- refent it is very te lower, which is reddifh on LILIO-ASPHODELUS ae this aepartake Daffodil. 1 J ute. with a Ca yellow It hath a Rootlike¢Afphodel ( or the Flower confi, cut into fixSegments, and exp 2 Lily ; the Fy r is [ucceeded which contains feveraalroundifeSeeds. The Species are ; Lir10- NepeanLus; /uteus. The Yellow DayLily. . Litro-AspxorDELUS 3 Par aw. The Red Day Lily. punice t is much tenderer » and will require to Tanner's Bark, in The Roots of this brought from the en up immediately and {ent over in a e planted in Tubs of y rot in their Paffage, by reat Quantities of Water, rt is fuppos’d to come 1 Fapan, but has been many sardens of Gyey nfey ch Places they feem to wellasifit was their nativee Country; z ’ Iflands their Roots are fent annually to the Curious in moft Parts of Europe, and are commonlycall’d Guern/ey Lilies ; the Roots, |