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Show refembles a for the Too the Curibbee planted for a Fence to is greatly efteem’d for the vers, Which are produc’d on The qT .eaves Quantitic Ss. ant aré alfo us‘d inftead of Sena, to purge withal. This was carry’d from CG ipe Verd Ilands to Barbadoes, as is related by Ligon, and hath fince been difperfed through theotherIflan It aie sin thofé Countries to be tea or twelve , and the §Stemis oftenas |: arge as the “ch of a Man’s I eg, and the W[ood is very MBAGO 5 Hinetioans Lead-wo i Beet- leaf. q *he firft of thefe Sorts grows abo in Sicily, and the § jouthern but is hardy enough to endure the Coldof our Climate in the open Ground, be planted in a warmdry Soil pagated by parting of the Roots before they fhoo fhould be very each Slip, otherwife they v fhould be planted in a warm Situation drySoil, about two Feet afu until they take Root; aft require no farther Care, from Weeds, and fuppo' from being brok y Ebony in fome places e Variations do not arife from s, I can’t determine, fince the lant is fo tender as to berar ely prefery'd in this Climate. rough the I/inter Plant are annually brought e ndies, which, over in Plenty from the 7 fe very eafily: wil tot-bed, fown upon and when the Plants are come up, they fhou betranfplanted into fmall Pots, and plung’d into a Hot-bed of Tanners-Bark, obferving to they ' Plant is fometimes us'd in Med Thefecond is preferv’d by Plants have fill’d the Pots they fhould be taken out, and ger ones, that they may re b POLEMONIUM; Vile / t ous in colle@ting Ewotick Pi 6. Pottum; incanis folits. Bay Mounvain, with narrow hoary ferrated The two firft Species are very commonin many Englifb Gsardens, where they are culti vated for the Beautyoftheir Flowers: They have alfo been found wild in Czrleton Beek. and about Malham Cove near Craven. 'The Sort with variegated Flowers, as alfo that Therearefeveral other. es of this Plant, which are preferv’d in fo curious k Gardens for Variety; but thofe | tion’d, ate what I have obfery’din with ftrip’d been obtain’d their Cuttings in a Bet of hefc ves, are Varieties which have from the former. quently berefrefh’d with W Year they will oe plac 200m to grow: fhift them a planted into the Borders Garden, where, bei rent forts of Flow:ers, of the rmix'd with ; and their their Flowers Seeds ripen in and if the Seafon be ripen. This Plant grows maica and the Caribbee lands ; Name given to it by Dr. F alfo growin Ceylon. POINCIANA ; Barbadoe Spanifh Carn: ations. fers are; er confi We have but one Spx which is, p, . 7, Porn ctan a: ; fiore pulch}. e rr tin badoes Flower-t ence, with a fair Fl Plant is fo call’d of ervd two orthree any of the “Months, wwhich 1 be water’d and fhaded until they have Root 5 after which they will require Culture than to keep them clea Weeds until Michaelmas ; when | i bez rcs get antepee we oa warm § 'y Soi I, otherwi ‘their Roots, becaufe the Plants rais’d from Seeds would: be fubject to degenerate, and becom pain The beft time Mic mas, that they the cold have moderate Degree of War Thefe Plants are all propagated eafily prof The variegated kinds are preferv’d by part- Repetition. Thefe Plants muft the Stove in inter, Gardens. tal cen 1 in the manner direéted for ” which the Readeris defir’d to turn, maritimum, Pe beautiful {trip’d Leaves. tiful Appearance. 'Thefe produce former, as alfo from Seed fown upon a Hot-bed in when the Plantsco’ 1p, they Creeping Pyrenian Poley a7 t Pr and they wto be be propagated in the fame urn Mountain, > with a Ground-I y-leaf. Green Valerian, with a bl 2, POLEMONIUM; Vulg c Greek Valerian, with a white Flower. 3. PoLEMONIUM Journ. Greek Valeri - PoLEMON 3 jevatis. Boerb. Ind. have taken Root 1 you mutt give to the Warmth of the Seaf be frequently refrefh’d with flower in this Country There are fome ies of this Tree in the We#-Indi 284 which in the Colour of their Flowers; but fhade them while monlyrife about three the Autumn be sea from whence it hath obtain’d the Name a are pinn: The Species are ; s tofay, the hoary Herb, was the white Po/ey of the An 3eauty in th = odd Appearbe adrnitted é Primula Veris. tant is fo call’d, of secaufe if Cattle are this Plant, they It is alfo call’d fromluftra- Antients us’d to vn Virgins with the Flowers of this Plant, Fields, to imilfo call’d Tafte.| Milk |