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Show 986 MR. W. E. DE WINTON ON DENDROMYS LOVATI. [Dec. 19, lately added to the collection. According to information kindly supplied to M r . Sclater by Grosserer Anton Nass, of Troinsd, these animals had been captured on Clavering Island, near Cape Mary, East Greenland (about 74° N . lat.) on the 16th August, 1899. Young male Musk-ox, livinir at Woburu. (From a photograph taken by H.G. The Duchess of Bedford.) Mr. Sclater exhibited photographs of these animals taken by the Duchess of Bedford, and stated that he believed these specimens to be the first examples of this remarkable mammal that had reached Europe alive. Mr. W . E. de Winton exhibited a remarkable Mouse of the genus Dendromys. obtained by Lord Lovat at Managatha in Southern Abyssinia, for which he proposed the name Dendromys lovati. This new species was of about the same size as D. typicus, but was striped to almost the same extent as the Barbary Mouse (Arvicanthis barbarus). Perhaps the markings would be more easily realized if likened to those of the Chipmunks (Tamias) ; the broad black dorsal stripe was divided by a narrow grizzled |