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Show 256 SIR G. F. HAMPSON REVISION OF MOTHS [Feb. 21, (34)fPYRAUSTA DEDUCTALIS Wlk. xviii. 659 ; Hmpsn. India ; 111. Het. ix. pi. 183. f. 8. Ceylon ; Malayan Botys neridalis Led. Wien. Ent, Mon. 1863, subregion p. 371, pi. 9. f. 7. to New Guinea. „ ausonialis Snell. Trans. Ent. Soc. 1890, p. 578. fGlauconoe fuscescens Warr. A. M. N. H. (6) ix. p. 297 (1892). 6. Thorax of male normal. a'. Fore wing of male with a glandular swelling on costa at two-thirds from base ; a hyaline fovea in end of cell; vein 7 from well below upper angle, 6 from below middle of discocellulars, the base of each curved downwards and Avith elongate foveas above them. (35)fPYRAUSTA FOVIFERALIS Hmpsn. Moths Ind. iv. p. 439. Burma. b'. (Anthocrypta). Hind wing of male with a large patch of androconia from below middle of cell to near outer margin. (36) PYRAUSTA SUBINQUINALIS Guen. Delt. & Pyr. p. 362. Brazil. c. Wings of male normal. (37)fPYRAUSTA PERELEGANS, n. sp. (1898, Plate L. fig. 29.) 3 . Head, thorax, and abdomen above purplish, the last tinged with black; pectus and ventral surface of abdomen white ; wings very pale hyaline yellow. Fore wing with the costa bright purple, expanding to inner margin at base, slightly at middle, into a truncate triangular discoidal patch Avith a yellow point on it, and into an apical patch extending to vein 5 and bearing tw7o yellow spots and a fine terminal line ; a very indistinct dentate line from loAver edge of apical patch to vein 2 near cell and angled outAvards above vein 1 ; some purple points on termen. Hind vung with discoidal point and irregularly waved postmedial indistinct fuscous line bent outwards between veins 5 and 3 ; some purple points on termen. Hab. Colombia ; Peru. Exp. 28 mm. (38) PYRAUSTA CINIFERALIS Wlk. xxxix. 1417. Ceylon ; Burma; Borneo. fHapalia concolor Moore, Lep. Ceyl. iii. p. 339, pi. 181. f. 3. (39)tPYRAUSTA SUBFLAVALIS Warr. A. M. N. H. (6) ix. p. 297 (1892). Madagascar. (40)tPYRAUSTA ALBICERALIS Grote, Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. iv. p. 678. U.S.A. (41)tPYRAUSTA ALLECTALIS Grote, Can. Ent, ix. p. 107. U.S.A. Eurycreon perplexalis Fern. Can. Ent. xvii. p. 57. (42)fPYRAUSTA VACUNALIS Grote, Can. Ent. xiii. p. 33. U.S.A. (43) PYRAUSTA RHITHEUSALIS Wlk. xviii. 710. Borneo; Solomons. |