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Show 1S99.] PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTZRA OF AFBICA. 347 posterior femora strongly dilated, the tibias Avith a minute spine, simple, non-sulcate, the first joint of the posterior tarsi as Long as the following two joints together, claws appendiculate ; prosternum nearly invisible; the anterior coxal cavities open. The most characteristic feature of this genus, which in general shape resembles somewhat Aphtliona. is to be found in the peculiar structure of the antennas, which differs from every other genus of Halticin-je. In these organs, which haA'e the lower joints very elongate and slender, the penultimate three joints are suddenly shortened and scarcely longer than broad, while the last is asaia elongate and thickened ; the almost invisible prosternum is another peculiarity rarely met with in this tribe. MALVECNIA V.VRICORNIS. sp. n. (Plate XXI. fig. 2.) Black, the head, the lower joints of the antennas, the thorax and legs fulvous ; thorax distinctly but remotely punctured : elytra bluish black,' shining, very strongly and closely punctured, the interstices subrugose. Length 4 millim. Head impunctate. fulvous, the frontal tubercles strongly raised, subquadrate, carina broad, flavous like the clypeus. the latter thickened, impimctate: antennas nearly extending to the apex of the elytra, black, the lower three joints and the base of the fourth flavous, third joint double the length of the second, the fourth and the following three joints very elongate, the next three very short, terminal joint elongate, thickened, emarginate at its inner edge, with a short additional joint: thorax twice as broad as long, of equal width, the sides rounded, the angles acute, the surface sparingly and finely punctured, flavous or fulvous: scutellum black, triangular : elytra wider at the base than the thorax, black, with a slight bluish gloss, very strongly and closely punctured, the punctation somewhat regularly arranged here and there, the interstices slightly rugose: underside black, sparinglv pubescent; legs fulvous, the posterior femora strongly thickened. Hah. Malvern, Natal (G. Marshall). HESPEBA AFRICANA, sp. n. Black, clothed with fine pubescence, the basal joints of the antennae and the legs fulvous; the thorax and elytra minutelv granulate, without punctures. Length 4-5 millim. Of oblong, rather depressed shape, black, and opaque; the head and the entire upper surface minutely granulate and clothed with very fine grey pubescence, the clypeus raised in shape of an acute central ridge; the antennas long and slender, extending to the apex of the elytra, black, the lower two or three joints fulvous. the second joint very small, the third slightly shorter than the fourth, the latter and the following joints very elongate; thorax about one-half broader than long, the sides feebly, the posterior margin more distinctly rounded, the angles rather obsolete, the |