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Show 1899.] SYRIAN FISHES O F T H E F A M I L Y CICHLIDJE. 119 19. TILAPIA OVALIS. Chromis ovalis, Sleind. Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, xvi. 1866, p. 761. Allied to T. zillii. Depth of body equal to length of head, 3 times in total length. Snout with straight upper profile ; diameter of eye 4 times in length of head, a little less than interorbital width ; maxillary extending a little beyond vertical of anterior border of eye; 3 series of scales on the cheek. Dorsal X I V 11 ; last spine longest; middle soft rays produced. Pectoral shorter than the head. Ventral extending a little beyond origin of anal. Anal III 8. Caudal rounded. Scales 29f5; lat. 1. g. Olive-broAvn, Avith indistinct darker bars ; a black opercular spot; dorsal and anal with black streaks ; a black spot on the anterior soft rays of the dorsal. Total length 100 millim. Angola. 20. TILAPIA MENZALENSIS. Chromis menzalensis, Mitchell, Rep. Fish. L. Menzaleh, p. 13, pi. iii. (1895). Teeth in 4 or 5 series in both jaAvs, outer rather large. Depth of body 2f in total length, length of head 3 times. Snout with straight or slightly concave upper profile, lg to 2 diameter of eye, which is 4 to 5 times in length of head aud 1^ to 2 in interorbital width ; mouth large, | to 4; width of head ; maxillary extending to below anterior border of eye ; 3 or 4 series of scales on the cheek ; large scales on the opercle. Gill-rakers short, 9 or 10 on. lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal X V 12-13 ; last spine longest, | to g length of head; middle soft rays produced in adult specimens, about twice as long as last spine. Pectoral pointed, as long as the head or a little shorter, not extending to origin of anal. Ventral produced in the adult, reaching anal. Anal III 8-9; third spine shorter than longest dorsal, soft rays produced like the dorsals. Caudal truncate, rounded in old specimens. Caudal peduncle as long as deep. Scales cycloid, 30-31-^; lat. 1. riru* Olive, with 7 or 8 dark bars, sometimes with a dark stripe along the middle of the side ; ventrals and vertical fins dark, the latter sometimes with ill-defined lighter spots; a more or less distinct round black spot between the anterior soft ray3 of the dorsal; a black opercular spot. Total length 235 millim. Lake Menzaleh, Lower Egypt. 21. TILAPIA ZILLII. Acerina zillii, Gervais, Ann. Sc. Nat. (3) x. 1848, p. 203. Coptodon zillii, Gervais, Bull. Soc. Agric. Herault, 1853, p. 80, pi. iv. figs. 5-7 ; A. D u m . Arch. Mus. x. 1859, p. 252. Glyphisodon zillii, Valenc. C.R. Ac. Sc. xlvi. 1858, p. 713. |