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Show APPENDIX. 3. 1 Bell's Cinixys (Cinixys belliana). Deposited. 1 Home's Cinixvs (Cinixys homeana). Deposited. 1 Derbian Sternothere (Sternothrerus derbiana). Deposited. 4. 1 Greater Black-headed Gull (Lurus marinus). Presented by the Rev. W . B. Tracy. 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus). Presented by the Rev. W . B. Tracy. 6. 1 Mountain Zebra (Equus zebra), 3 • Purchased. See P. Z. b. 1899, p. 712. 1 Slow Loris (Nycticebus tardigradus). Presented by W, H. St. Quintin, Esq., F.Z.S. 1 Moufflon (Ovis musimon), 9.. Born in the Menagerie. 8. 1 Common Badger (Meles taxus), 2- Presented by John N. Docwra, Esq. 9. 1 Ring-tailed Lemur (Lemur catta), 2 • Presented by Mrs. Penn Curzon. 1 South Albemarle Tortoise (Testudo vicina). Deposited. 1 Spiny-tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura acanthurd). Deposited. 10. 1 Angolan Vulture (Gypohierax anyolensis). From the Upper Benue River, N.W. Africa. Presented by Staff-Sergt. Patten. 11. 2 Common Marmosets (Hapale jacchus). Deposited. 12. 1 Reticulated Python (Python reticulatus). Deposited. 1 Common Snake (Tropidonotus natrix). Presented by E. C. Brook, Esq. 13. 1 Hoary Snake (Pseudaspis cana). Presented bv J. E. Matcham, Esq., C.M.Z.S. 1 Rough-keeled Snake (Dasypeltis scabra). Presented by J. E. Matcham, Esq., C.M.Z.S. 3 Rhomb-marked Snakes (Trimerorhinus rhombeatus). Presented by J. E. Matcham, Esq., C.M.Z.S. 2 Crossed Snakes (Psammophis crucifer). Presented bv J. E. Matcham, Esq., C.M.Z.S. 14. 2 Crowned Lemurs (Lemur coronatus). Born in the Menagerie. 15. 1 Green Monkey (Cercopitliecus callitrichus), 3• Presented bv J.B. Robinson, Esq.,F.Z.S. 1 Sociable Vulture ( Vultur auricularis). From Egypt. Presented by H.G. the Duchess of Marlborough. 6 Derbian Zonures (Zonurus giganteus). Presented by W . P. Westermeyer, Esq. 16. 1 Green Monkey (Cercopithecus callitrichus), 2- Presented by H. Girt'ord, Esq. 17. 1 Black Kite (Mitcus migrans). Presented bv G. H. Walker sq. 18. 1 Y'ellow-whiskered Lemur (Lemur xanthomystax), 3. Presented by C. B. Ay erst, Esq., and Miss Mary F. Ayerst. 1 Common Duiker (Gephalophus yrimmi), 3. Presented bv W . Champion, Esq. 1 Banded Ichneumon (Crossarchus fasciatus). Presented bv W . Champion, Esq. 2. Common Snakes (Tropidonotus natrix). Presented by E. Haig, Esq. 19. 1 Chimpanzee (Anthropiynthecus troglodytes), 2 • Deposited. 1 Slaty Buzzard (Bttteo jwliosoma ?). Presented by Capt. Bate. 22. 1 Mexican Guan (Ortalis vetula). Presented bv Cant AV H. Milner. |