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Show 1899.] OF THE SUBFAMILY PYRAUSTIN^E. 181 SECT I. (Protonoceras). Male with a tuft of forwardly directed hair between the antennae ; antennae with basal joint dilated, the shaft given off from its outer side, much bent near base, then witb some small serrations on inner side and with long cilia. A. Antennae of male with ling curved tuft of hair from inner side of basal joint, the tuft betAveen antennae long. (l)tARCHERNis CAPITALIS Fabr. Suppl. Ent. Syst. p. 468 (1798). Formosa; India, Ceylon, & Burma. Botys tropicalis Wlk. xviii. 670 ; Moore, Lep. Ceyl. iii. pi. 181. f. 9. B. Antennae of male without the curved tuft from basal joint, the frontal tuft less developed. (2) ARCHERNIS DOLOPSALIS Wlk. xviii. 692. S. India, Ceylon, Burma ; Borneo; Mysol. Botgs fimbripunctalis Wlk. xxxiv. 1425. tProtonoceras fuscilunalis Hmpsn. 111. Het. viii. p. 134, pi. 155. f. 22. SECT. II. Antennae of male serrate at base and Avith a tuft of hair on inner side at one-third. (3)fARCHERNis FULVALIS Hmpsn. Jourii. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc. ined. Sikhim ; Ceylon. SECT. III. Antennae of male normal. (4)tARCHERNis HUMILIS Swinh. A. M. N. H. (6) xiv. p. 146. Assam. (5ytARCHERNis NICTITANS Swinh. A. M. N. H. (6) xiv. p. 146. Assam. (6)*ARCHERNIS LUGENS Warr. A. M. N. H. (6) xviii. p. 110. Assam. (7)*ARCHERNIS SCOPULALIS Wlk. xxxiv. 1438. Flores.. Type (8) ARCHERNIS CALLIXANTHA Meyr. P. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. ii. 1, p. 254. Pulo Laut; NeAv Guinea ; Australia. Chrysommatodes cereofiavalis Warr. A. M. N. H. (6) xvii. p. 105. (9)fARCHERNis OBLIQUIALIS Hmpsn. Moths Ind. iv. p. 380. Sikhim. (10) ARCHERNIS IGNEALIS Wlk. xxxiv. 1423. Mysol; N. Guinea; Queensland. Genus 94. TERASTIA. Terastia Guen. Delt. & Pyr. p. 211 (1854). Palpi porrect, triangularly scaled, the 3rd joint hidden by hair |