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Show 898 MR. STANLEY S. FLOWER ON THE [Nov. 14, 19. RANA LARUTENSIS Blgr. Rana larutensis, Blgr. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (7) iii. 1899, p. 273, pl. xi. fig. 1. In April 1898 these frogs were numerous sitting on the rocks in a swift rocky mountain-stream in the Larut Hills, Perak; their colour harmonized wonderfully well with their surroundings. They were difficult to catch, being exceedingly active jumpers and climbers. Colour (in life). Above pale yellowish green, the head and body very extensively blotched with black, the limbs with black transverse bars. Below, head and body pure white, limbs pale green and grey, underneath of hands and feet very dark, and web between toes black. Iris : very narrow gold ring round pupil, remainder dark olive-brown. Size. Snout to vent 60 mm. Distribution. Malay Peninsula. 20. ? RHACOPHORUS HECTICUS (Peters). Rhacophorus hecticus, Blgr. Cat. Batr. Sal. p. 78. In the Museum at Taiping there is a large tree-frog from Kinta, Perak, which is perhaps of this species. Distribution. Samar Island in the Philippines, and possibly Malay Peninsula. 21. RHACOPHORUS LEUCOMYSTAX (Gravh.) (Plate LIX. figs. 3, 3 a.) Rhacophorus maculatus, part., Blgr. Cat. Batr. Sal. p. 83. " Kata' pisang " of the Malays. [" Pisang "=banana.] Localities. Since writing of this frog in the P. Z. S. 1896, p. 905, I have observed it in the following localities : Siam-Bangkok (June and July), Kabin (March), and obtained one young specimen from Chantaboon : Malay Peninsula-Singapore (March, April, May, September, and October); Larut Hills, Perak, 3400 ft. (April); Penang Hills, 2200 ft. (March, April, and November); Alor Star, Kedah (May and June); and there are specimens from Kuala Lumpor, Selangor, in the Museum at that place. Habits. This species apparently breeds at various times of the year, specimens are frequently to be seen in the evenings in copula on the edges of the rain-water butts of houses, both in March and April (Singapore and Penang Hills) and in October (Singapore), and probably in other months also. The spawn floats on the surface of the water enclosed in an envelope resembling white foam. I have noticed tadpoles in the following months: January, February, March, April (Singapore); May (Kedah); June and July (Bangkok); November (Penang); December (Singapore); and newly transformed young were just leaving the water in September 1898 in Singapore. Colour. Besides the six varieties of colour mentioned P. Z. S. 1896, p. 906, I have observed in one case on Penang Hill another |