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Show 1899.] PARASITIC COPEPODA ON FISHES. 499 (4) ACTHERES SELACHIORUM. 2 • Adheres selachiorum Kurz, Zeitschrift wissens. Zool. xxix. 1877, p. 385, pl. xxv. fig. 1. Host : Mustelus Icevis, Myliobatis aquila. G. 6. LERNCEOPODA Kroyer. Cephalothorax short, single-jointed, stout, distinctly separated from the body. First maxillipeds placed not far behind the mouth. Second maxillipeds long, thin, arm-like, united at the end, bearing a disc of attachment. Genital segment elongated, bag-like, not segmented. Male minute; cephalothorax distinct; abdomen elongated, segmented ; articulate limbs present. (1) LERNCEOPODA ELONGATA. 2 cf . Lerncea elongata Grant, Edinb. Journ. of Science, vii. 1827, p. 147, pl. ii. fig. 5. Lemceopoda elongata M.-E. Hist. Nat. Crust, iii. 1840, p. 515. Baird, Brit. Entom. 1850, p. 333, pl. xxxv. fig. 5. 5, „ Stp. & Lutk. Bidrag til Kundskab, 1861, p. 422, pl. xv. fig. 37. 5, „ V. Ben. Bech. sur la Faune lit. Belg. 1861, p. 154. In Coll. Brit. Mus. Host: eye of Shark. Greenland. (2) LERNcEOPODA STELLATA. 2 • Lemceopoda stellata Mayor, Bull, de la Soc. Phil. 1824, p. 24, pl. i. fig. 2. 5, Bathke, Nova. Act. Acad. Cass. Leop. 1839, p. 154. M.-E. Hist. Nat. Crust, iii. 1840, p. 515 pl. xl. fig. 12. Host:-? Norway. (3) LERNCEOPODA GALEI. 2 cf. Lemceopoda galei Kr. Tidsskrift, vol. i. 1837, p. 272, pl. iii. fig. „ M.-E. Hist. Nat. Crust, iii. 1840, p. 516. „ „ Baird, Brit. Entom. 1850, p. 334, pl. X Xxv fig. 7. 55 55 V. Bened. Ann. des Sci. Nat. 3 ser. xvi 1851 p. 120, pl. iv. „ B.-S. Jour. M . B. Assn. Plymouth, 1896, p. 163. „ musteli Thomson, Trans. N. Z. Inst. xxii. 1889* p. 373, pl. xxviii. fig. 9. In Coll. Brit. Mus. Hosts : fins of Mustelus vulgaris, M. antarcticus, Squalus acanthus, Scyllium canicula. |