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Show 1899.] OF THE SUBFAMILY PYRAUSTIN.E. 229 maxillary palpi with a long pointed tuft in front; frons flat and oblique; antennae of male thickened and laminate; hind tibiae with the outer medial spur about one-third length of inner. Fore wing with veins 3, 4, 5 separate at origin; 7 straight and well separated from 8, 9. Hind wing with veins 3, 4, 5 from angle of cell; 6, 7 stalked, 7 anastomosing shortly with 8. SECT. I. Hind wing with veins 4, 5 somewhat approximated for a short distance. (l)fCYBOLOMIA OSSEALIS, n. Sp. Pale ochreous ; palpi brown at sides ; frons with lateral white lines ; abdomen Avhitish. Fore wing irrorated with a few brown scales ; the costal and terminal areas purplish brown; brown points near base and middle of cell and a diffused discoidal lunule ; a postmedial series of points excused between veins 7 and 5 and at vein 3, then retracted to below angle of cell. Hind wing white, with indistinct postmedial series of brown points on the veins, retracted at vein 2 to beloAv angle of cell; the termen brown from apex to vein 2. Hab. Ecuador, Loja. Exp. 24 mm. Subsp. 1. Abdomen and hind wing pale ochreous. Hab. Mexico, Orizaba (Schaus). Exp. 20 mm. SECT. II. Hind wing with veins 4, 5 not approximated. (2) CYBOLOMIA NEMAUSALIS Dup. Lep. Fr. viii. p. 377, pi. 236. f. 7. S. Europe. Scopula argillacealis Zell. Isis, 1847, p. 579. (3) CYBOLOMIA DULCINALIS Tr. Schmett. Eur. x. 3, p. 35. S.E. Europe ; W . Asia. Type (4) CYBOLOMIA PENTADALIS Led. Verh. z.-b. Ver. Wien, 1855, p. 217, pi. 3. f. 13. W. Asia. (5) CYBOLOMIA LUTOSALIS Mann. Wien. Ent. Mon. 1862, p. 387, pi. 3. S. Europe; W . Asia. (6)fCYBOLOMiA INGLORIALIS Zell. ? MS. Scharud. (7) CYBOLOMIA SICCALIS Guen. Delt. & Pyr. p. 240, pi. 7. f. 10. Botys glyceralis Stgr. S. E. Z. 1859, p. 220. S. Europe. ,, sexpunctalis Chret. Le Nat. 1891, p. 67. (8) CYBOLOMIA FRACTILINEALIS Chr. Hor. Ent. Eoss. x. p. 42. Persia; Turkestan. (9)f CYBOLOMIA ALBILINEALIS Hmpsn. P. Z. S. 1896, p. 274, pi. 10. f. 4. Aden. (lO)tCYBOLOMiA EXTORRIS Warr. A. M. N. H. (6) ix. p. 395. U.S.A. Auctorum. Cybolomia gratiosalis Eom. Mem. iii. p. 40, pi. ii. f. 9. Turkestan. |