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Show 958 MR. G. A. BOULENGER ON REPTILES, [Nov. 28 BATRACHIANS. 1. RANA GRAMINEA, sp. n. (Plate LXVII. fig. 1.) Vomerine teeth in two short oblique series between the choanae, nearer to each other than to the latter. Head depressed, as long as broad; snout rounded, scarcely projecting, as long as the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis well-marked ; loreal region concave ; nostril nearer the end of the snout than the eye; interorbital space as broad as the upper eyelid ; tympanum very distinct, three fourths the diameter of the eye. Fingers and toes rather slender, with small but well-developed disks: first finger not extending beyond second ; toes nearly entirely webbed; a single, feebly prominent, oval, inner metatarsal tubercle. Tbe tibio-tarsal articulation reaches beyond the tip of the snout; tibia as long a3 the distance from end of snout to sacrum. Skin smooth ; a moderately broad, feebly prominent glandular lateral fold ; another fold from below the eye to the shoulder, followed by a strong glandule. Bright green above, brownish on the sides of the head and body, below the canthus rostralis and the dorso-lateral fold, and on the limbs ; upper lip white ; limbs with regular dark crossbars : hinder side of thighs marbled dark brown and yellow; lower parts white. Male with two external vocal sacs, in front of the arms ; no humeral gland. From snout to vent 48 millim. Allied to R. eryihrcea Schleg. Distinguished by the shorter snout, the longer hind limbs, the external vocal sacs, and the coloration. Also allied to R, jerboa Gthr. aud R. whiteheadi Blgr., in which the digital disks are larger and the hind limb longer still. Two male specimens. 2. RANA ANDERSONI Blgr. This species, first discovered in the Hotha Valley, Yunnan, by Dr. J. Anderson, has since been found in the Kakhyen Hills, Upper Burma, by Signor L. Fea, and at Kuatuu, N . W . Fokien, by Mr. J. D. La Touche. 3. STAUROIS HAINANENSIS, sp. n. (Plate LXVII. fig. 2.) Head as long as broad or slightly broader than long ; snout short, truncate, projecting ; canthus rostralis strong ; loreal region nearly vertical, concave; nostril midway between the eye and the end of the snout; interorbital space as broad as the upper eyelid ; tympanum distinct, one third or two fifths the diameter of the eye. Fingers slender, first longer than second, with very large disks ; toes webbed to the disks, which are a little smaller than those of the fingers ; subarticular tubercles feebly prominent; a very indistinct iuner metatarsal tubercle. The tibio-tarsal articulation reaches the tip of the snout or a little beyond. Skin smooth above in the adult, warty in the young; lower part |