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Show 616 MI?. STANLEY s. FLOWER, O N T H E [May 16, land, and large specimens are very powerful. When touched or picked up, they draw in their legs and hiss loudly; when turned on their backs, they sometimes utter a little plaintive cry. The jaws of old individuals are of great strength and wonderfully jagged at the edges, almost like a series of teeth. They are vegetable-feeders. Colour (in life). Skin of head and neck very dark brown, closely vermiculated with dark yellow-ochre, except cutting-edge of lower jaw, which is yellow. The bare skin from angle of mouth to tympanum is white. Iris pale yellow ; space round iris light red, with dark brown radiating lines. Tongue flesh-coloured. Size. Out of about twenty individuals from Kedah examined, the largest male measured:- Length of carapace following curve 383 mm. Breadth „ „ „ 329 „ The largest female measured :- Length of carapace following curve 320 mm. Breadth „ „ „ 278 „ However, a tortoise from Bangkok, which I believe belonged to this species (which I had intended presenting to the Zoological Society, but was unfortunately lost in the wreck of the P. & O. s.s. ' China' at Perim when on its way to London), was much larger, and measured :- Length of carapace following curve 457 mm. Breadth „ „ „ 387 „ In June 1898 young tortoises of this species appeared in Kedah with the carapace only about 50 mm. long; they are very different in appearance from the adults. Hab. Burma, Siam, Cambodia, Malay Peninsula. 14. TESTUDO EMYS Schleg. & Midi. Manouria emys Giinth. Rept. Brit. Ind. p. 10. Testudo emys Blgr. Cat. Chel. etc. p. 158 (skull fig. p. 150). " Baning " of the Perak Malays, according to L. Wray. Localities. The upland Land-Tortoise does not seem to have been met with in the Penang Hills since Cantor's time, and there were no specimens of it in the Ayer Efam Tortoise Temple when I visited it. In the Larut Hills in Perak, however, it seems to be not uncommon, and there are several specimens in the museum at Taiping. The only other locality in the Peninsula that it is recorded from is the Dindings (P. Z. S. 1896, p. 860). The British Museum Catalogue mentions a specimen from Siam. Hab. Assam, Burma, Siam, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo. 15. TESTUDO ELONGATA Blyth. Testudo elongata Blgr. Cat. Chel. etc. p. 173. Localities. The Elongated Land-Tortoise seems to be a hill- |