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Show 376 MR. M. JACOBY ON THE [Mar. 7, darker, the epipleuras indistinct below the middle ; legs long and slender, entirely flavous, the breast pale fulvous ; the last abdominal segment of the male with a broadly rounded median lobe, incised at each side. Hab. Estcourt, Frere, Natal (67. Marshall). Larger than M. 8-maeulata Jac and the variety ; the antennas elongate and slender, the sides of the thorax straight, and the punctuation extremely small; the general coloration and that of the legs a greenish yellow. LUPERUS (MONOLEPTA) NIGEOSUTURALIS Jac This species was erroneously placed by m e in Luperus; a more careful examination has proved to m e that the anterior coxal cavities are closed, and that the species must find its place in Monolepta ; the elytral epipleuras also are indistinct below the middle. MONOLEPTA CONRADI, sp. n. Chestnut-broAvn, the head, antennae (the last joint excepted), and the thorax flavous, the last minutely punctured ; elytra very minutely and closely punctured. Length 5 millim. Head obscure flavous, impunctate, the eyes very large, frontal elevations and the clypeus scarcely defined; antennas flavous, the terminal joint black, the second and third very small, equal, the others elongate and nearly equal ; thorax twice as broad as long, the sides straight, the posterior margin rounded, the surface minutely and rather closely punctured, flavous; scutellum fulvous ; elytra broader than the thorax at the base and very convex, their epipleuras obsolete beloAv the middle, of a dark chestnut-brown colour, shining, the surface very finely and closely punctured; the underside of the same colour, the legs flavous. Hab. Cameroons (Conrad). Collections: that of Dr. Kraatz and m y own. In the distribution of colour this species differs from all of its African congeners with which I am acquainted. ^NIDEA COCCINEA, Sp. n. Flavous; thorax reddish fulvous, transversely sulcate, impunctate ; elytra extremely finely punctured, coloured like the thorax, Avith a slight purplish gloss. Mas. Head deeply excavated, the excavation with an erect central projection ; antennas robust. Length 9 millim. Head robust, the vertex fulvous, impunctate, the loAver portion flavous, entirely occupied by a deep excavation, with a central lon°- tooth-like projection, the apex of which is truncate; clypeus broad, impunctate ; antennas long, obscure dark flavous, the first and third joints of equal length, very elongate, the second moniliform, the following joints shorter than the third, robust, slightly curved, the terminal two ioints more slender; thorax about one-half broader |