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Show 1899.] BATRACHIANS, A N D FISHES F R O M HAINAN. 959 smooth. Olive above, spotted with black, or blackish with pale olive markings ; limbs with dark cross-bars ; hinder side of thighs with a black reticulation. From snout to vent 58 millim. Larva with a large pectoral adhesive disk (see P. Z. S. 1893, p. 526). Beak formed of two pieces, an upper and a lower, feebly denticulate, not ribbed ; lower lip not fringed; the horny teeth form 3 uninterrupted and 2 paired series on the upper lip, 2 uninterrupted and 1 narrowly interrupted series on the lower lip, 3 au arrangement that may be expressed by the formula y .. 2 ' Closely allied to Staurois natator Gthr. Distinguished by the shorter head. The tadpole, on the other hand, stands nearest to that of Rana latopalmata Blgr. Three specimens : a female, a young, and an advanced tadpole. 4. RHACOPHORUS LEUCOMYSTAX Gravh. 5. RHACOPHORUS OXYCEPHALUS, sp. n. (Plate LXVII. fig. 3.) Vomerine teeth in two oblique series between the choanal, the inner front edge of which they nearly touch. Head as long as broad ; snout pointed, as long as or a little longer than the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis distinct; loreal region concave; nostril a little nearer the tip of the snout than the eye; interorbital space a little narrower than the upper eyelid; tympanum distinct, half the diameter of the eye. Fingers with a distinct rudiment of web ; toes entirely webbed; disks of fingers nearly as large as the tympanum, of toes a little smaller ; a very small inner metatarsal tubercle. The tibio-tarsal articulation reaches beyond the tip of tbe snout. Skin smooth or with small warts above; belly granular. Greyish or brown above, spotted or marbled with darker; a dark transverse band or triangular marking, base forwards, between the eyes; limbs with dark cross-bars; groin and back of thighs marbled black and yellow ; lower parts white. Male with an internal vocal sac. From snout to vent 57 millim. Four specimens. 6. BUFO MELANOSTICTUS Schn. FISHES. COREOPERCA. Coreoperca, Herzenstein, Ann. Mus. Zool. St. Petersb. 1896, p. 11. Body compressed; scales small, cycloid, concentrically striated. Lateral line complete; tubes straight, occupying the greater length of the scale. Mouth large, protractile; maxillary exposed, with 62* |