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Show 868 MR. R. I. POCOCK ON SCORPIONS, PEDIPALPS, [Nov. 14, THALASSIUS REGALIS, sp. n. (Plate LVII. fig. 22.) Colour. Carapace and abdomen wdth a pair of broad yellow bands extending from clypeus to spinners, covered elsewhere with yellowish rusty-red hairs ; legs strongly banded; femora of legs yellowish red, those of 2nd pair slightly, of 3rd and 4th pairs distinctly banded with black ; apex of femora, whole of patellae, basal seventh and apical third of tibiae, basal and apical fourth of protarsi and tarsi black ; the rest of the legs yellowish red. Carapace a little less than tibia of 1st leg, excelling its protarsus by about one fourth the tarsus, distinctly shorter than both tibia and protarsus of 4th. Lobes of vulva in contact along the posterior half of the inner edge, separated in the anterior half by a median heart-shaped sclerite, the depression in front of the lobes marked with two posteriorly converging black ridges. Measurements in millimetres.-Total length 22; length of carapace 9, width 8 ; length of 1st leg 36, of 2nd 36, of 3rd 32, of 4th 38; protarsus of 1st 8, of 4th 9*8. Loc. Benito Eiver (67. LJ. Bates). An adult and an immature female. THALASSIUS INSIGNIS, sp. n. (Plate LVII. figs. 23,23 a.) 2 . Colour. Carapace brownish red, covered with brownish hairs speckled with white, with a black edge, within the black edge a white rim which broadens on each side of the head, the face uniformly dark, sides of thoracic portion posteriorly blackish ; mandibles black with yellowish hairs ; abdomen brownish above, speckled with white hairs and with white spots at the sides ; lower side of abdomen, sternum, and coxa? greyish yellow. Legs variegated above; femora yellow, indistinctly variegated; patella? yellow, blackish at the base ; tibiae yellow, black at base and apex; protarsi yellowish, also black at apex and base ; tarsi yellowish ; the yellowish areas of the legs covered with white hairs, the darker patches with dark hairs. Carapace nearly circular, a little longer than wide, the width equal to the length from the posterior border to the anterior pair of eyes ; length slightly less than protarsus of 1st leg, about equal to tibia of 3rd, width slightly shorter than tibia of 3rd ; carapace low, higher in the cephalic region than posteriorly, not strongly elevated behind; clypeus scarcely exceeding the ocular quadrangle; ocular quadrangle longer than broad, slightly narrowed in front, the posterior median eyes much larger than the anterior median. T^egs 4,2, 1,3; the 1st, 2nd, and 4th subequal; patella and tibia of 1st and 2nd about equal and a little longer than those of 4th; protarsus of 4th excee ding that of 1st by about one third the length of the tarsus. Abdomen broadest in its posterior half, gradually narrowed in front, abruptly narrowed behind. Measurements in millimetres.-Total length 16 ; length of carapace 7*7, width 7*2; length of 1st leg 34, of 2nd 34*5, of 3rd 31 of 4th 35. Loc. Benito Biver (67. L. Bates). |