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Show 882 MR. R. i. P O C O C K O N SCORPIONS, PEDIPALPS, [NOV. 14, the legs jet-black. Abdomen variegated ; upperside yellow, with three pairs of large black patches, the anterior pair united by a narrow bridge, the third pair the smallest and triangular ; these are followed by a transversely crescentic black stripe, the concavity of which is posterior; behind this are two median black spots, one behind the other; on each side of the abdomen is a broad black stripe, which unites with its fellow of the opposite side above the pedicel in front and stops short some little distance above the spinners behind; spinners black, with a dorsally incomplete black ring around them ; the ring is connected in the middle line below with a pair of broad black stripes, which unite posteriorly, are separated by a narrow median yellow stripe, and extend from the epigastric fold to the posterior third of the lower side of the abdomen; region of vulva and lung-books brown, darker mesially. Carapace as wide as long, strongly convex ; cephalic area sloped downwards and forwards ; its total length about equal to tibia of 1st leg and to patella and tibia of 4th. Eyes of anterior and posterior lines distinctly recurved when viewed from above; distance between anterior and posterior medians equal to that between anterior and posterior laterals; distance between posterior medians greater than that between posterior median and lateral on each side; distance between anterior medians less than between median and lateral on each side ; ocular quadrangle much wdder thau long, much narrowed in front, the distance between the posterior medians at least one third greater than that between the anterior medians. Legs long ; 1st leg about four times as long as carapace ; tarsi of 1st and 2nd with thick apical scopula; protarsi and tarsi of 3rd and 4th also scopulate ; tibia? and protarsi of 1st and 2nd not visibly spined beneath. Abdomen voluminous, not quite twice as long as wide, broadest just behind the middle, rounded in front, narrowed and somewhat pointed behind. Measurements in millimetres.-Total length 17; length of carapace 5-5, of 1st leg 22*5, 2nd leg 21, 3rd leg 12, 4th leg 14*5 ; length of abdomen 12, width 8*3. Loc. Benito Biver (67. L. Bates). A single $ example. PLATYTHOMISUS INSIGNIS, sp. n. (Plate LVIII. fig. 33.) 2 . Colour. Carapace orange-yellow, with a narrow black rim, incomplete behind but complete along the clypeus; ocular area involved in a broadish transverse black stripe; mandibles yellow, broadly black externally aud apically, maxillae and labium yellow, the latter infuscate marginally, the former internally at the apex ; sternum yellow, with anteriorly and posteriorly incomplete median black hue; palpi yellow, tip of tarsus blackish ; legs coloured as in vigriceps, but with more black at the distal half of the femora. Abdomen mostly yellow, the upperside with three pairs of black patches, the posterior pair small and followed by a small median black spot; anterior surface of abdomen wdth a broad transverse |