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Show 1899.] SYRIAN FISHES OF THE FAMILY CICHLID.E. 121 Teeth very small, in 3 or 4 rows in both jaws. Depth of body 2 | to 2-f in total length, length of head 2£ to 3 times. Snout with straight or humped upper profile, 1£ to 2 as long as the diameter of the eye, which is 4i to 6 times in length of head and 1^- to If in interorbital width ; mouth moderate, f to f width of head ; maxillary extending to between nostril and eye; 3 or 4 series of scales on the cheek. Gill-rakers short, 10 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal X I V - X V 9-10; last spine longest, 1 to J- length of head, f- to -| longest soft rays. Pectoral pointed, a little shorter than the head, not extending to origin of anal. Ventral not reaching vent. Anal III. 7-8 ; third spine as long as or a little shorter than last dorsal. Caudal rounded. Caudal peduncle as long as deep or slightly longer than deep. Scales cycloid, 30-32 ^zf7; lat. 1. *-^^. Brownish green above, bluish silvery below ; 8 oblique dark bars on the body, sometimes very indistinct; fins uniform bluish white ; a dark bar below the eye ; a black opercular spot. Total length 160 millim. Syria. 23. TILAPIA THOLLONI. Chromis tholloni, Sauvage, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1884, p. 196, pi. v. fig. 1. Teeth very small. Depth of body 2% in total length, length of head 3 times. Snout Avith slightly concave upper profile, \\ diameter of eye, which is 4 times in length of head; interorbital space a little wider than diameter of eye; maxillary not quite reaching to below anterior border of eye ; 4 series of scales on the cheek. Dorsal X V I 8; last spine longest, about \ length of longest soft rays. Pectoral obtuse, nearly as long as the head, not extending to origin of anal. Ventral extending beyond origin of anal. Anal III 9. Caudal rounded. Caudal peduncle nearly as long as deep. Scales cycloid, 32 -. Olive ; a black opercular spot and a blackish lateral stripe ; soft dorsal and caudal with purplish spots. Total length 180 millim. Upper Ogowe. 24. TILAPIA CABTLM. Tilapia cabrce, Bouleng. Ann. Mus. Congo, Zool. i. 1899, p. 51, pi. xxvii. Teeth in outer row moderate, separated by an interspace from a band of 4 transverse series of smaller closely-set teeth. Depth of body 2 to 21 in total length, length of head 3 times. Snout with straight upper profile, 1| to If diameter of eye, which is 4 to 4i times in length of head and 1 A- to 2 in interorbital width ; mouth f- width of head, extending to between nostril and eye ; 4 series of scales on the cheek; large scales on the opercle. Gill-rakers short, 10 to 12 on lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal X V I 12-13; last spine longest, f to \ length of head, f to •§• |