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Show 480 MR. P. W. BASSETT-SMITH ON [Apr. 1 8, (2) COLOBOMATUS BERGYLTCE. 2 • (Plate XXVI. figs. 5, 5a.) Colobomatus bergyltce Hesse, op. cit. 1873, pl. xxiv. fig. 8. C. Vogt, op. cit. 1877, p. 411. Host: head of Labrus bergyltce [L. maculatus]. Brest. G. 5. LEPOSPHILUS Hesse. Female. Head small, rounded. Body elongated, segmented; thorax of two indistinct joints followed by a large dilated genital segment. Abdomen of six distinct articulations ; no lateral appendages, but minute caudal setose plates. A single median eye, proboscis and small maxillipeds present. Male very similar to that of Philichthys. LEPOSPHILUS LABRI. 2 cf. (Plate XXVI. fig. 6.) Leposphilus labrii Hesse, Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 5, vol. v. 1866, p. 265, pl. ix. „ „ Hesse, op. cit. vol. xvii. art. 14, 1873. „ C. Vogt, op. cit. 1877, p. 387. Host: lateral sinus of Labrus donovani. Brest. Family V. LEBNJSID^. The body in the young, sexually mature form very similar to those of the preceding families. The anterior antennas are short, slender, and carrying small bristles ; the posterior pair are uncinate, generally projecting beyond the front border of the cephalothorax. The maxillipeds are very small and weak. There are four pairs of thoracic limbs well developed, the first two or more biramose. Genital segment of female much elongated. Abdomen rudimentary. Eye median. The larvas vary from a cyclops-like form to those with a twisted frontal filament. In the older and fixed parasitic condition, the females are long, worm-like, generally without limbs, some with irregular excrescences from the anterior portion, others with elongated appendages from the genital segment or abdomen. Egg-sacs double. G. 1. LERN.EOCERA Blainville. Head not distinctly divided off, but bearing horn-like processes. Mouth terminal. Genital segment much elongated, slightly curved ; the limbs placed at nearly equal distances one from another, the first four pairs biramose, triarticulate, the fifth very minute. (1) LERNJEOCERA ESOCINA. 2 • Lerncea cyprinacea Linn. Fauna Suecica, ii. 1761, pl. xi. fig. 2. ,, ,, Blainv. Journ. de Physique, xcv. 1822, p. 337. Lernceocera cyprinacea Burm. Nov. Act. Nat. Cur. xvii. p. 309, pl. xiv. fig. 1 (1835). „ „ Nordm. Mikrogr. Beitrage, ii. 1832, p. 123, pl. vi. fig. 1. |