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Show 1899.] PARASITIC COPEPODA ON FISHES. 457 (23) LEPEOPHTHEIRUS GIBBUS. 2 • Lepeophtheirus gibbus Kr. Bidrag til Kundskab, 1863, p. 121, pl. xvii. fig. 2. Host: Pleuronectes rhombus [Bhombus laevis]. (24) LEPEOPHTHEIRUS LONGIPALPUS. 2 • Lepeophtheirus longipalpus B.-S. Ann. & Mag. N . H . ser. 7, vol. ii. 1898, p. 88, pl. v. fig. 2. Host: Arius acutirostris. Trincomalee. (25) LEPEOPHTHEIRUS GRACILESCENS. 2 • Lepeophtheirus gracilescens Kr. Bidrag til Kundskab, 1863, p. 124, pl. v. fig. 2. Host: Rhombus vulgaris [Bhombus kevis]. (26) LEPEOPHTHEIRUS BAGRI. 2 <$ • Lepeophtheirus bagri Dana, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sc. ii. 1848, p. 57. Host: Bagrus sp. Bio de Janeiro. G. 7. ANURETES Heller. Carapace rounded as in last genus. First and fourth thoracic limbs uniramose, second and third biramose, rudiments of fifth pair well represented. Genital segment rounded, cut away posteriorly. Abdomen hidden or with caudal plates only slightly projecting. (1) ANURETES HECKELI. 2 • Caligus heckelii Kllr. Lepeophtheirus heckelii Kr. Bidrag til Kundskab, 1863, p. 110, pl. vii. fig. 4. Anuretes heckelii Heller, Beise d. Novara, 1865, p. 186. Host: gills of Ephippus gigas. Brazil. (2) ANURETES PERPLEXUS. 2 • Anuretes perplexus B.-S. Ann. & Mag. N. H. 1898, ser. 7, vol. ii. p. 89, pl. v. fig. 3. In Coll. Brit. Mus. Host: gills of Lutjanus sp. Ceylon. G. 8. CALINA Van Beneden. Carapace large, oval, scutiform. Frontal plates well marked, no lunulae. Fourth thoracic segment free, without dorsal plates. Genital segment rounded, with two horny dentate processes directed backwards as in Pandarus. Abdomen indistinctly bi-articulate. First three pairs of thoracic limbs biramose, fourth uniramose, both branches of the first with two joints, those of the second and third with three. |