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Show 1899.] CORALS FROM FUNAFUTI. 53 separated localities, and may be compared with the distribution of -acanthogorgia muricata Verrill, which occurs at Funafuti and has been recorded from Barbados. SUBEROGORGIA VERRIOULATA Esper. There are two fragments of this species, drab in colour. fian,wi • °?S?r.?t" 8Pmdl^s are somewhat rougher than those turned m tvolhker s paper (2), otherwise the form seems to belong to lisper s species. 6 Hub. Outer slope of the coral-reef at Funafuti. LITERATURE REFERRED TO. 1. DUOHASSAING, P., et MICHELLOTI. G.-Mernoire sur les Coral-liaires des Antilles. Turin, 1S60. 2. KOLLIKER, A.-Icones Histiologicas. Leipzig, 1860. 3. RIDLEY, S. 0.-" Contributions to the Knowledge of the Alcyonaria, with Descriptions of new Species ^from the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal." Annals & Magazine of Natural History, ix., 1882. 4. VERRILL, A.-" Report on the Anthozoa, and on some additional Species dredged by the ' Blake,' 1877-79, and the U.S. Fish- Commission Steamer 'Fish Hawk,' 1880-82." Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard, vol. xi. no. 1 1883. 5. RIDLEY, S. 0. - Zoological Collection of H.M.S. 'Alert.' " Alcyonaria," Melanesian Collections. Part L, 1884. 6. V O N KOCH, G.-"Die Gorgoniden des Golfes von Neapel." Fauna u. Flora des Golfes von Neapel, xv., 1887. 7. W R I G H T , E. P., & STUDER, T H . - ' Challenger' Report on Alcyonaria, xxxi., 1889. 8. G E R M A N O S , N. K.- "Gorgonaceen von Ternate." Die Ab-handlungen der Senckenbergischen naturforschenden Gesell-schaft, Band xxiii. Heft 1, 1896. 9. WHITELEGGE, T H . - " Alcyonaria of Funafuti." Memoirs of the Australian Museum, iii. pt. 5, 1897. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE I. Fig. 1. Verrucella yranifera, p. 52. A branch, natural size. 2. Verrucella yranifera. Some spicules. 3. Acamptoyoryia spinosa, n. sp., p. 47. A small portion of a branch, magnified, to show the arrangement of the spicules. 4. Acamptoyoryia spinosa. The crown of a polyp, magnified, to show the arrangement of the opercular spicules. 5. Acamptoyoryia spinosa. Some spicules, (a) of the operculum, (b) of the coenenchyma. 6. Acanthoyoryia muricata, p. 48. A polyp, magnified. 7. Acanthoyoryia muricata. Some spicules, (a) of the operculum, (b) of the coenenchyma, (c) of the polyp. |