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Show 262 SIR G. F. HAMPSON-REVISION OF MOTHS [Feb. 21, (121) PYRAUSTA TORVALIS Moschl. Wien. Ent. Mon. 1864, p. 198, pl. 5. f. 16. Labrador. fScoparia gelida McLachl. Journ. Linn. Soc. xiv. p. 115. (122) PYRAUSTA MURINALIS F. B. p. 276, pl. 92. f. 3. Europe. (123) PYRAUSTA AUSTRIACALIS H.-S. vi. p. 141, f. 142. Europe. Scopula donzelalis Guen. Delt. & Pyr. p. 392, pl. 6. f. 12. Botys sororicdis Heyd. Jahrb. Graub. 1860, & S. E. Z. 1862 (var.). ,, nitidalis, Heiuem. Schmett. Deutschl. p. 83 (var.). (124) PYRAUSTA ULIGINOSALIS Steph. Cat. 166. Europe. Botys monticolalis Lah. Pyr. 26. (125) PYRAUSTA ALPINALIS Schiff. Wien. Verz. p. 123. Europe. (126)*PYRAUSTA DEVIALIS Feld. Beis. Nov. pl. 135. f. 21. Bogota. (127) PYRAUSTA RHODODENDRALIS Dup. Le'p. Fr. viii. p. 363, pl. 235. f. 5. Europe. Tortrix sulphurana Hiibn. 162. (128) PYRAUSTA FODINALIS Led. Wien. Ent. Mon. 1863, p. 369, pl. 8. f. 9. U.S.A. fBotis socialis Grote, Can. Ent. ix. 107. (129) PYRAUSTA SEMIRUBRALIS Pack. Ann. N. Y. Lye. x. (1873) p. 263. U.S.A. (130) PYRAUSTA PERRUBRALIS Pack. Ann. N. Y. Lye. x. p. 265. U.S.A. (131)tPYRAUSTA POSTRUBRALIS, U. Sp. Head aud thorax bright yellow ; palpi brownish, white at base ; frons and shoulders pink ; abdomen yellowish white. Fore Aving bright yellow ; a pink fascia below basal half of costa; a pink antemedial line angled below cell, then obsolescent; a large pink discoidal spot extending to costa and connected at lower end with the broad oblique pink postmedial band, Avhich is angled iiiAvards to costa on inner side and extends to apex ou outer. Hind wing yellowish white; a subterminal fuscous band from costa to vein 2, towards which it becomes pinkish. Hab. Mexico, Arizona (Schaus). Exp. 24 mm. (132)*PYRAUSTA PERFULVALIS, n. sp. 5 . Bright fulvous ; palpi white below; abdomen Avith slight fuscous segmental lines. Fore wing slightly irrorated Avith fuscous • an antemedial black line angled on median nervure, then incurved • a discocellular lunule ; the postmedial line excurved between veins 5 and 2, then retracted to angle of cell and strongly excurved again. Hind wing with discoidal spot; the postmedial line bent outwards between veins 5 and 2, then retracted to angle of cell |