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Show 34 PROF, D'ARCY W. THOMPSON ON T H E [Jan. 17, quadrate articulation. The outlines of the temporal and digastric fossae are, as shown in the diagram, extremely different from those of both Psittacus and Coracopsis. The shaft of the quadrate is extremely stout, its inner border running down evenly into the mass of boue above the quadrato-jugal cup ; the anterior process is short but stout; the inner head of the bone is of exceptional size. Alone among all the forms I have examined, the interorbital vacuity is completely absent. I feel convinced that further examination of better material will show Dasyptilus to be a very peculiar and isolated form. Coracopsis is very similar to Eclectus, and this resemblance will be discussed in dealing with the latter form. Family PALiEORNITHIN^E. Of the forms grouped as Palaaornithinae, I have studied Eclectus (fie- 29), Geoffroyus, Tanygnathus (figs. 30, 31), Polytelis (fig. 32, p. 35), Aprosmictus (fig. 33, p. 35), Pyrrhulopsis (figs. 34, 35, Fig. 29. Eclectus €ardinalis. Fig. 30. p. 06), Agapomis (fig. 36, p. 37), and Palceornis ; I regret in particular the want of Loriculus. Of these, it is clear that Polytelis, Aprosmictus, and Pyrrhulopsis stand apart from the first |