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Show 364 MR. M. JACOBY ON T H E [Mar. 7, nearly straight, the angles slightly thickened, the disc impunctate, the sides broadly fulvous, the middle occupied by a broad, posteriorly narroAved black band ; scutellum black; elytra much wider at the base than the thorax, Avidened beloAv the middle, black, shining, very finely but not very closely punctured, the interstices extremely finely granulate, their epipleuras broad anteriorly, much narrowed toAAards the apex; beloAv black, abdomen and the femora flavous, the tibias (their base excepted) and the tarsi fuscous, all the tibiae mucronate, the first joint of the posterior tarsi as long as the folloAving joints together. Hab. Cameroons (Conrad). I received a specimen of this Avell-marked species from Dr. Kraatz. POEPHILA COSTATIPENNIS, Sp. 11. Elongate, piceous; the head, basal joints of the antennas, and the thorax fulvous, the latter finely and sparingly punctured; elytra metallic Aiolaceous blue, strongly punctate-striate, the interstices longitudinally costate. Length 2 | millim. Head impunctate, the eyes large, frontal elevations narrow, carina very acute, palpi thickened ; antennae filiform, extending to the middle of the elytra, black, the lower three joints fulvous, the second joint thickened, the third but slightly longer, thin, the following more elongate ; thorax transversely subquadrate, convex, twice as broad as long, the sides straight, forming an oblique angle anteriorly, extending to the base of the eyes, this angle slightly thickened, posterior margin broadly produced at the middle, the surface AAith a deep transverse sinuate sulcus, parallel to the basal margin and not extending to the sides, the disc very finely and remotely punctured; scutellum piceous ; elytra with a distinct depression below the base, the latter raised, the shoulders prominent, the punctation strong, close and deep, the interstices longitudinally costate, especially so at the sides; underside and legs nearly black, tbe metatarsus of the posterior legs longer than the following joints together; claws appendiculate, prosternum longer than broad; the anterior coxal cavities open. Hab. Cameroons. The only other representative of this genus, described by Weise, agrees almost entirely Avith the present insect, except in coloration, being rufo-testaceous with brown elytra and ha\ing no costas on the latter parts ; but of the fine pubesceuce of the eyes, of which Weise speaks, I am not able to discover a trace in m y species, neither has this author mentioned the structure of the antennas nor their colour, Avhich must have been an oversight. I received a specimen from Dr. Kraatz. POEPHILA FULVIPES, Sp. n. Flavous, the antennas (the basal three joints excepted) black |