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Show XI Page LYDEKKER, RICHARD, B.A., F.R.S., F.Z.S. {Continued.) Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a mounted head of a Swamp-Deer (Gervus duvauceli) 829 Specific Characters of the Chilian Guemal. (Plate LXI.) 917 On the Skull of a Shark-toothed Dolphin from Patagonia. 919 The Dental Formula of the Marsupial and Placental Carnivora. (Plate LXII.) 922 Description of the Skin of an apparently new Kob Antelope from the Neighbourhood of Lake Mweru, with Note on a Skull and Horns of an Antelope of the same Genus. (Plate LXXI.) 981 MACKENZIE, G. S., C.B., F.Z.S. Exhibition of a photograph of a large pair of tusks of the African Elephant 985 MAJOR, Dr. C. I. FORSYTH, F.Z.S. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, the carpus of the Fossorial Rodent Gtenomys 428 Exhibition of, and remarks upon, some specimens of a Lemur {Prosimia rufipes Gray) from Madagascar 553 Exhibition of, and remarks upon, some skulls of foetal Malagasy Lemurs 987 Exhibition of, and remarks upon, specimens of two subfossil Mammals from Madagascar 988 MOORE, J. E. S., of the Royal College of Science, South Kensington. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, some specimens of the Jellyfish {Limnocnida tanganjicai) of Lake Tanganyika . . 291 MORENO, Dr. FRANCISCO P., C.M.Z.S. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a portion of the skin of Neomylodon listai 1 |