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Show 1899.] BATRACHIANS OF THE MALAY PENINSULA AND SIAM. 901 Localities. Of this interesting frog, which does not seem to have been previously recorded from Siam, I obtained a specimen at Bawtong, Kabin, in March 1897. I also got one near the foot of Gunong Pulai, Johore, in September 1897; and Mr. Ridley obtained a specimen in Selangor, in July 1897 ; these are tbe two first reported occurrences of this species on the mainland of the Peninsula. Habits. Nothing is known definitely of the habits of this frog, but it is supposed to be the author of a remarkable strident call heard in certain Malay jungles, which may be written " waalk, waalk." There is a big field of interesting work in determining the animals whose voices are heard both by day and night in jungle-clad districts ; neither the English pioneers nor the Malays know for certain what animals make some of the most noticeable jungle calls : as an instance I may mention that in June 1898 in the woods round Jenan, Kedah, a cry of " koop " was to be heard, even at high midday, which we imagined to be made by some batrachian, but diligent search on the part of several local Malays, m y Siamese "boy," and myself failed to discover anything in the spots whence the sound seemed to have proceeded. Colour (in life). Kabin specimen (March).-Above bright yellowish bronze ; a broad dark brown line from snout to inset of hind leg, passing through eye. At inset of hind leg is a conspicuous black spot surrounded by a white ring, the greater part of the thighs is bright vermilion. . Johore specimen (September).-Above rusty red-brown; a narrow black line (bordered above with yellow) from snout to inset of hind leg, passing through eye. Just above where this black line terminates on either side of the back is a conspicuous round black spot. The lower surfaces are a paler red than the upper, and the lower aspect of the hind leg is marbled with dark brown on a buff ground. Size. Kabin specimen, snout to vent 36 m m . Distribution. Burma, South China, Siam, Malay Peninsula, Natunas, Borneo. 27. MICROHYLA ORNATA (Dum. & Bibron). (Plate LX. figs. 1, la, lb.) Microhyla ornata, Blgr. Cat. Batr. Sal. p. 165. Localities. This little frog was obtained by M . Mouhot in Cambodia, but it does not seem to have been previously recorded from either Siam or the Malay Peninsula. I have found it in Bangkok in the months of Jan., Feb., March, April, May, June, July, August, and December ; at Paknam Menam in August; in the Dong Phya Fai, at an elevation of about 900 feet, in November; at Ayuthia in February ; at Kabin in March ; at Chantaboon in January; aud in the Royal Siamese Museum stores were some specimens labelled " Baiigpain, Oct. '93." In March 1898 I obtained a single frog in the Waterfall Gardens, Penang, which is referred to this species ; and in June 1898 found it numerous |